

  • 扎西穷达 ,
  • 刘吉爱 ,
  • 曹叶伟 ,
  • 王军
  • 1西藏自治区食品药品检验研究院,西藏 拉萨,850000
    2中国农业大学 食品科学与营养工程学院,北京,100083

收稿日期: 2018-11-12

  网络出版日期: 2019-07-28



Characteristic volatile compounds in yak butter determined by simultaneous distillation extraction combined with GC/MS

  • ZHA Xiqiongda ,
  • LIU Ji’ai ,
  • CAO Yewei ,
  • WANG Jun
  • 1Tibet Food and Drug Inspection and Research Institute, Lhasa 850000, China
    2College of Food Science & Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China

Received date: 2018-11-12

  Online published: 2019-07-28


采用同时蒸馏萃取结合气质联用分析的方法对牦牛酥油以及其他奶制品中的挥发性风味物质进行提取与分析,从牦牛酥油中共鉴定出65种挥发性物质,与外观、色泽相似的其他奶制品进行对比分析发现,乳酸乙酯、辛酸乙酯、癸酸乙酯是牦牛酥油独特风味中重要的特征挥发性成分。建立这3种物质的内标定量分析方法,线性相关系数R2≥0.997,线性范围为1.0~50.0 μg/mL;乳酸乙酯检出限为0.13 μg/kg、回收率在86.7%~104.7%;辛酸乙酯检出限为0.18 μg/kg、回收率在89.3%~98.4%;癸酸乙酯检出限为0.17 μg/kg、回收率在83.3%~89.5%;相对标准偏差RSD值<2.1%,测定牦牛酥油中乳酸乙酯含量范围在0.54~5.14 mg/kg,辛酸乙酯范围在0.28~2.20 mg/kg,癸酸乙酯范围在0.34~3.84 mg/kg。该方法能有效的去除复杂基质干扰,灵敏度好、准确性高。为区分牦牛酥油与其他相似奶制品、以及评价不同酥油间的风味品质提供了参考方法。


扎西穷达 , 刘吉爱 , 曹叶伟 , 王军 . 同时蒸馏萃取结合气质联用分析牦牛酥油中特征挥发性物质[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(13) : 224 -231 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019294


This study extracted and analyzed volatile compounds in yak butter and other similar dairy products by simultaneous distillation extraction combined with GC-MS. There were 65 volatile compounds identified from yak butter, and ethyl lactate, ethyl caprylate, and ethyl caprate were important characteristic volatile compositions. A quantitative analysis method for these three substances was established, and the linear range was 1.0-50.0 μg/mL for all with R2≥0.997. The detection limits of ethyl lactate, ethyl caprylate, and ethyl caprate were 0.13 μg/kg, 0.18 μg/kg, and 0.17 μg/kg, respectively, and their recovery rates were 86.7%-104.7%, 89.3%-98.4%, and 83.3%-89.5%, respectively. The RSD of the method was less than 2.1%. Besides, the measurable ranges of ethyl lactate, ethyl caprylate, and ethyl caprate in yak butter by this method were 0.54-5.14 mg/kg, 0.28-2.20 mg/kg, and 0.34-3.84 mg/kg, respectively. The method can effectively eliminate interferences from the complex matrix of yak butter, which resulted its high sensitivity and good accuracy. This study provides a key reference for distinguishing yak butter from other similar dairy products, as well as evaluating the flavor quality of different yak butter.


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