

  • 魏亚青 ,
  • 秦文霞 ,
  • 唐彬 ,
  • 何晓梅 ,
  • 王亚蒙 ,
  • 张敏
  • 1西南大学 食品科学学院,重庆,400715
    2农业部农产品贮藏保鲜质量安全风险评估实验室重庆,重庆 400715
    3贵州省遵义市习水县市场监督管理局,贵州 遵义,564600

收稿日期: 2019-01-19

  网络出版日期: 2019-08-20


重庆市科委社会事业与民生保障科技创新专项(cstc 2015shmszx80036)

Effects of microwaving combined with pasteurization on the quality of spicy chicken nuggets

  • WEI Yaqing ,
  • QIN Wenxia ,
  • TANG Bin ,
  • HE Xiaomei ,
  • WANG Yameng ,
  • ZHANG Min
  • 1College of Food Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
    2Laboratory of Quality and Safety Risk Assessment for Argo-products on Storage and Preservation Chongqing, Chongqing 400715, China
    3Xishui County Market Supervision Administration of Zunyi City, Zunyi 564600, China

Received date: 2019-01-19

  Online published: 2019-08-20


与微波杀菌、巴氏杀菌对比,研究微波巴氏联用杀菌对麻辣鸡块贮藏过程中品质的影响。以水分含量、菌落总数、pH值、非蛋白氮(non-protein nitrogen, NPN)含量、挥发性盐基氮(total volatile basic nitrogen, TVB-N)含量、感官评价等为指标,分析3种杀菌技术对麻辣鸡块品质的影响。3种杀菌技术均能延缓麻辣鸡块品质的下降,但微波杀菌会造成水分大量散失,降低鸡肉口感;巴氏杀菌的杀菌效果欠佳;微波巴氏联用杀菌能有效抑制pH值、NPN含量、TVB-N含量的上升,硬度、剪切力的下降,且在第20天维持菌落总数低于4.6 lg CFU/g,保持60%的水分含量,获得较高感官评分。微波巴氏联用杀菌技术可弥补2种单一技术的不足,在保证杀菌效果,延长保质期的同时更好地维持鸡肉的口感。


魏亚青 , 秦文霞 , 唐彬 , 何晓梅 , 王亚蒙 , 张敏 . 微波巴氏联用杀菌技术对麻辣鸡块品质的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(14) : 143 -149 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020012


This study aimed to reveal the effects of microwaving combined with pasteurization on the quality of spicy chicken nuggets during storage by comparing against samples that were treated by microwaving and pasteurization alone. The moisture content, total number of colonies, pH value, non-protein nitrogen (NPN) content, TVB-N, and sensory quality etc. of the nuggets were measured. The results showed that all the three sterilization technologies could delay quality decline of spicy chicken nuggets, but microwaving caused large amount of moisture lost and the taste was also affected. Besides, pasteurization alone had poor sterilization effect. In comparison, microwaving with pasteurization could effectively inhibit increases in pH value, NPN content, TVB-N content, and inhibited decreases in hardness and shear force. Moreover, combined technology could also keep the total number of colonies below 4.6 lgCFU/g, maintain 60% moisture of the nuggets, and obtain higher sensory score on the 20th day of storage. In conclusion, microwaving and pasteurization together can better maintain the taste of chicken as well as ensuring sterilization effects and extending the shelf life.


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