辣椒是常见的调味品,对辣椒及其制品的辣度进行快速监控非常必要。该文首先对辣椒素和二氢辣椒素在实时直接质谱(direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry, DART-MS)的裂解机制进行了系统研究,进一步对DART离子源的气体解吸温度、栅网电极电压等试验条件进行了优化。结果表明,辣椒素和二氢辣椒素质量浓度在 0.50~50.0 μg/mL 范围内与峰面积呈现良好线性关系。辣椒素和二氢辣椒素的检测限均为0.1 μg/g,定量限均为0.5 μg/g,回收率范围分别为79.74%~97.74%,85.60%~98.71%,精密度分别为0.80%~8.89%,2.69%~9.54%。该方法可用于辣椒及其制品中辣度的快速评价。
A direct analysis in real-time of atmospheric pressure ion source serial mass spectrometry (DART-MS) method was established to rapidly determine the contents of capsaicinoids (capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin) in various capsicum and its products. The pyrolysis behaviors of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin by the DART ion source were systematically studied, followed by optimizing gas desorption temperature and grid electrode voltage of DART ion source. The results showed that 0.50-50.0 μg/mL capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin had good linear relationships under optimal experimental conditions. The detection limits and quantitation limits of the method were 0.1 μg/g and 0.5 μg/g, respectively. The recovery rates of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin were 79.74%-97.74% and 85.60%-98.71%, respectively, and precisions were 0.80%-8.89% and 2.69%-9.54%, respectively. The method was rapid, easy to operate, accurate and reliable, and therefore can be used for rapid evaluation of capsaicinoids.
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