

  • 张溪 ,
  • 蓝蔚青 ,
  • 刘嘉莉 ,
  • 谢晶
  • 1上海海洋大学 食品学院,上海,201306

网络出版日期: 2019-09-03



Preservation technology for inhibiting melanosis in Litopenaeus vannamei: a review

  • ZHANG Xi ,
  • LAN Weiqing ,
  • LIU Jiali ,
  • XIE Jing
  • 1College of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China
    2Shanghai Aquatic Products Processing and Storage Engineering Technology Research Center, Shanghai 201306, China
    3Shanghai Professional Technology Service Platform on Cold Chain Equipment Performance and Energy Saving Evaluation, Shanghai 201306, China
    4National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center for Food Science and Engineering Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306, China

Online published: 2019-09-03




张溪 , 蓝蔚青 , 刘嘉莉 , 谢晶 . 南美白对虾防黑变保鲜技术研究进展[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(15) : 294 -300 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020035


The research progress on inhibiting melanosis and preserving Litopenaeus vannamei was summarized. Based on the mechanism of melanosis in Litopenaeus vannamei, applications of physical preservation (low temperature, modified atmosphere, ultra-high pressure, and ozone treatment) and chemical preservation (chemical preservatives and biological preservatives) in inhibiting melanosis in Litopenaeus vannamei were described. It was concluded that single preservation method has its own advantages and disadvantages, while compounded preservatives and preservative technologies can play their roles fully to enhance their anti-melanosis and preservative effects. Moreover, developing new preservation methods and natural biological preservatives are growing trends for preserving Litopenaeus vannamei, and optimized combination of various technologies can prolong the shelf life of Litopenaeus vannamei.


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