以分离自泡菜的2株魏斯氏菌为研究对象,对其耐酸、耐胆盐、耐人工肠液、抑菌、降解胆固醇和甘油三酯、表面特性的益生特性进行了比较研究。实验结果表明:绿色魏斯菌ZY-6的耐酸特性好于希腊魏斯菌WS-419,pH值为2时的存活率分别为45.18%和24.65%,pH为3和4时,存活率>100%;在质量浓度3 g/L的胆盐浓度中存活率分别为75.89%和72.05%,都显示出较好的胆盐耐受性;2株菌对人工肠液具有一定的抗性,3 h后的存活率在80%左右;ZY-6的抑菌活性稍好于WS-419,两者对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、沙门氏菌的抑菌圈直径分别为22.61、27.02、30.53 mm和22.59、 25.82、27.96 mm;2株魏斯菌降解胆固醇的能力相似,降解率分别为32.79%和32.13%;WS-419对甘油三酯的降解率好于ZY-6,两者分别为42.80%和26.70%;2株菌的表面疏水性和表面凝集性皆大于60%,显示出较好的表面特性。绿色魏斯菌ZY-6和希腊魏斯菌WS-419的益生性能较好,可作为功能性食品开发的候选菌株。
Two Weissella strains were studied regarding their acid, bile salt and simulated intestinal fluid tolerance, as well as their antibacterial activity, cholesterol and triglyceride degradation activity and cell-surface property. The results showed that the acid resistance of Weissella viridescens ZY-6 was better than that of Weissella Hellenica WS-419. The survival rates of the two strains at pH 2 were 45.18% and 24.65%, respectively, and greater than 100% at pH 3 and pH 4. With 3 g/L bile salt, the survival rates of W. viridescens ZY-6 and W. Hellenica WS-419 were 75.89% and 72.05%, respectively. Moreover, they both had strong simulated intestinal fluid tolerance, as their survival rates were about 80% after 3 h treatment. In addition, ZY-6 also had better performance than WS-419 in antimicrobial activity, as its inhibition zone diameters for Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella were 22.61 mm, 27.02 mm and 30.53 mm, respectively. They also showed similar cholesterol degradation activity, which were 32.79% and 32.13%, respectively, while WS-419 showed better triglyceride degradation activity (42.80%) than that of ZY-6 (26.70%). Besides, the cell surface hydrophobicity and auto-aggregation of them were both more than 60%. In conclusion, both W. viridescens ZY-6 and W. Hellenica WS-419 have good probiotic characteristics, therefore, they can be served as candidate strains for developing functional foods.
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