

  • 李豪 ,
  • 白光剑 ,
  • 吴静 ,
  • 杨海泉 ,
  • 邹伟
  • 1四川轻化工大学 生物工程学院,四川 宜宾,644000
    2江南大学 生物工程学院,江苏 无锡,214122

网络出版日期: 2019-09-03



High cellulase-producing fungi by UV and ARTP mutagenesis

  • LI Hao ,
  • BAI Guangjian ,
  • WU Jing ,
  • YANG Haiquan ,
  • ZOU Wei
  • 1College of Bioengineering, Sichuan University of Science & Engineering, Yibin 644000, China
    2School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China

Online published: 2019-09-03


该研究旨在通过复合诱变技术提高真菌产纤维素酶能力。以实验室前期菌株枝孢菌(Cladosporium)B03为出发菌株,经过紫外诱变和常压室温等离子体(atmospheric and room temperature plasma, ARTP)诱变处理,通过刚果红染色初筛和酶活复筛,最终得到产酶能力提高的突变菌株AY-42。较原始菌株相比,羟甲基纤维素(carboxy methyl cellulose, CMC)酶活提高36.14%,为(582.14±2.32)U/mL,滤纸酶(filter paper activity, FPA)酶活提高97.03%,为(92.27±0.23)U/mL。并且产酶能力能稳定遗传。该研究通过诱变技术提高枝孢菌B03的产酶能力,为菌株B03应用于纤维素酶生产奠定基础。


李豪 , 白光剑 , 吴静 , 杨海泉 , 邹伟 . 紫外-常压室温等离子体复合诱变高产纤维素酶真菌[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(15) : 81 -86 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020368


The aim of this study was to improve the cellulase producing capability of fungi by compounded mutation. Cladosporium B03 was chosen as the starting strain, which was mutated by UV and atmospheric and room temperature plasma (ARTP), followed by Congo red staining screening and enzyme activity re-screening. The mutant strain (AY-42) with high enzyme production capacity was obtained. The CMCase and FPase activity of AY-42 were (582.14±2.32) U/mL and (92.27±0.23) U/mL, respectively, which increased by 36.14% and 97.03%, respectively, compared against those of B03. Additionally, the enzyme production capability of AY-42 was genetically stable. In conclusion, the enzyme production capacity of Cladosporium B03 can be improved by mutagenesis, which lays a foundation for applying Cladosporium B03 in cellulase production.


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