This study aimed to explore the effects of bagging on the quality and storability of ‘Hongyang’ kiwifruits. Changes in fruit weight, rot ratio, hardness, soluble solids content, titratable acid content, relative contents of aroma components, and activities of lipoxygenase and alcohol acyltransferase (AAT) etc. of the fruits after different bagging treatments were measured. The results indicated that double-layer bagging could promote early ripening, which resulted the fruits had high quality but poor storability. White single-layer wood pulp paper bagged fruits had good comprehensive performance while fruits treated by yellow single layer hydrophobic paper bags had poor quality but good storability. Principal component analysis showed that the contribution rate of total variance (89.09%) was from the first two components: hardness, titratable acid content, starch, AAT, aldehydes and Vc were the first major component with contributing rate of 78.40%, and esters were the second with 10.69% contributing rate. Overall, bagging is feasible for 'Hongyang' kiwifruits.
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