For the specific bio-genetic label of L. kefiranofaciens ZW3, multiloci sequence typing (MLST) was used to classify and identify the strain with nine homologous or closely related strains. Seven housekeeping genes (rpoA, Hsp60, LeuS, rpsB, glyK, pyrG, fusA) were used for classification and eight sequence types (ST) were obtained, in which ST8 was found only in L. kefiranofaciens ZW3. Linkage disequilibrium and slight genetic recombination phenomenon, mostly neutral choice, were revealed in 6 of the 7 genes except for pyrG. L. kefiranofaciens ZW3 exhibited closer genetic distance with L. kefiranofaciens an3, L. kefiranofaciens shan3, L. kefiranofaciens shan4 and L. kefiranofaciens shan5 than other five strains. Identification of L. kefiranofaciens ZW3 lays a foundation for the research of its specific probiotic function in commercial products.
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