The applicability of ninhydrin colorimetric method for amino-acid nitrogen (AAN) measurement from Huangjiu and Mijiu analysis was determined in this work. First, factors of Huangjiu and Mijiu that may affect ninhydrin colorimetry result were investigated. Next, ninhydrin colorimetry, formaldehyde titration, and the amino acid analyzer were used for AAN measurement of 17 Huangjiu and Mijiu samples. The results showed that color, total acid, and alcohol content of Huangjiu and Mijiu had no significant effect on the ninhydrin colorimetry determination. There was a good linear relationship between the results given by ninhydrin colorimetry and formaldehyde titration. However, the ninhydrin colorimetry had higher precision and accuracy for the samples with low amino acid nitrogen content. Compared to the result of the amino acid analyzer, the formaldehyde titration was more suitable to determine the total amino acid content. Moreover, the ninhydrin colorimetry was able to accurately determine the α-amino acid content during the fermentation process. These results not only provide an alternative analysis method for amino acid nitrogen in Huangjiu, but also establish basis for the developing amino acid nitrogen analysis index in Mijiu industry.
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