为了研究低饱和复配植物油的热稳定性及煎炸性能,以菜籽油、花生油、大豆油、玉米油和米糠油为原料,采用{5,5}单纯形重心混料设计进行复配,利用氧化稳定性指数和电子自旋共振技术对复配油进行热稳定性考察和筛选,并对筛选后的复配油进行油炸实验,考察其极性化合物、羰基价、酸价和p-茴香胺值。筛选得到了4种复配油T1、T3、T4和T7,其饱和脂肪酸含量小于20%(质量分数),在热处理过程中自由基生成缓慢,180 ℃煎炸32 h后的极性化合物含量均低于27%(质量分数),羰基价和p-茴香胺值小于高油酸花生油和大豆油,但酸价相比较高。4种复配油热稳定性好,饱和度低,价格合理,高温煎炸性能优良,为低饱和复配煎炸油的开发和应用提供了参考。
This study investigated the thermal stability of low-saturated blending vegetable oil and its frying performance. Rapeseed oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, corn oil and rice bran oil were used to produce the blending oil by {5,5} simple centroid design. The frying experiments were carried out by using thermally stable blending oil, and its polar compounds, carbonyl value, acid value and p-anisidine value were studied. Four blending oils T1, T3, T4 and T7 were obtained. Their saturated fatty acid contents were all less than 20% (w/w), and they formed free radical slowly under heat treatment. After frying at 180 °C for 32 h, the polar compound content in all blending oils was lower than 27% (w/w), and the carbonyl value and p-anisidine value were lower than that of high oleic peanut oil and soybean oil, but the acid value was relatively high. In summary, the four blending oils have good thermal stability, low saturation, reasonable price and excellent high-temperature frying performance, which provides a reference for developing and applying low saturation blending frying oil.
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