采用平板法与斜面纯化法从河南红油香椿中分离内生真菌,并采用紫外分光光度法测定其次级代谢产物的α-糖苷酶抑制活性及抗氧化活性,牛津杯法测定其抗细菌活性,采用分子生物学方法鉴定高活性菌株。从香椿中共分离得到内生真菌6株,其中,菌株56-50的次级代谢产物具有最高α-糖苷酶抑制活性,为(24.98±1.89)%。菌株56-50和TS47均具有较好的抗氧化活性,其中,菌株56-50对ABTS+·和DPPH·的清除活性分别为(95.92±0.40)%和(91.77±0.45)%,TS47对DPPH·的清除活性为(94.55±0.15)%。菌株56-50和TS8分别对豪氏变形杆菌和欧文氏菌具有较强抑制活性,抑菌圈为(20.33±0.08)mm和(15.11±0.07)mm。综上,菌株56-50均具有较好的α-糖苷酶抑制活性、抗氧化和抗细菌活性,并根据18S rDNA测序结果将其鉴定为链格孢属。该研究为利用植物内生真菌发酵生产α-糖苷酶抑制剂、天然抗氧化剂和抗菌剂提供理论依据。
The endophytic fungi from fresh ‘Hongyou’ Chinese toon (Toona sinensis) in Henan province were isolated and purified, their α-glucosidase inhibitory, antibacterial and antioxidative activities were determined, and the species of the active strain was identified. A total of six endophytic fungi were isolated, and the secondary metabolites of strain 56-50 had the highest α-glucosidase inhibitory activity, which was (24.98±1.89%). Both strains 56-50 and TS47 had good antioxidative activities, as the scavenging effects of strain 56-50 on ABTS+· and DPPH· were (95.92±0.40)% and (91.77±0.45)%, respectively, while TS47 could remove (94.55±0.15)% DPPH· . Moreover, strains 56-50 and TS8 had strong inhibitory activities against Proteus hauseri and Erwinia sp., respectively, with inhibition zones of (20.33±0.08) and (15.11±0.07) mm, respectively. Strain 56-50, that exhibited strong α-glucosidase inhibitory activity, antioxidant activity and antibacterial activity, was identified as Alternaria sp. according to 18S rDNA sequencing. This study provides a theoretical basis for producing α-glucosidase inhibitors, natural antioxidants and antibacterial agents by using plant endophytic fungi.
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