

  • 高雅文 ,
  • 方丽 ,
  • 邹什 ,
  • 闵伟红
  • 1 (吉林农业大学 食品科学与工程学院,吉林 长春,130118)
    2 (小麦和玉米深加工国家工程实验室,吉林 长春,130118)

收稿日期: 2019-03-23

  网络出版日期: 2019-09-23


横向课题 (黄豆酱和花式酱的研制与开发)

Optimized soybean paste sterilization process and its influences on texture and color

  • GAO Yawen ,
  • FANG Li ,
  • ZOU Shi ,
  • MIN Weihong
  • 1 (College of Food Science and Engineering, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, China)
    2 (National Engineering Laboratory of Wheat and Corn Deep Processing, Changchun 130118, China)

Received date: 2019-03-23

  Online published: 2019-09-23


以实验室自制黄豆酱为原料,考察可变频微波、121 ℃蒸汽杀菌及二者联合杀菌对黄豆酱菌落总数、色泽和质构的影响,并优化杀菌工艺。响应面试验优化黄豆酱可变频微波、121 ℃蒸汽二者联合杀菌工艺条件。121 ℃蒸汽杀菌对黄豆酱色泽影响较大,对质构影响较小,杀菌效果好,但时间长;微波杀菌对黄豆酱色泽影响较小,对质构影响较大,杀菌效果差,但时间短。响应面试验确定了121 ℃蒸汽与微波联合杀菌最佳工艺条件:经微波功率700 W杀菌90 s,再121 ℃蒸汽杀菌7 min。菌落总数为1.33×103 CFU/g,感官评分为94.6分,色泽L值为22.18,a值为8.91,b值为19.77。质构硬度为23.202 g,胶着性为13.186,咀嚼性为12.473。该文为黄豆酱的杀菌工艺研究提供试验数据。


高雅文 , 方丽 , 邹什 , 闵伟红 . 黄豆酱杀菌工艺条件优化及其对质构色泽的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(16) : 162 -170 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020648


Soybean paste was sterilized using microwave and autoclave respectively and in combination and the effects on the total colony number, color and texture were investigated, followed by optimizing the sterilization process. The results showed that long duration steam sterilization at 121 ℃ had good bactericidal effect and its effect was low on texture but high on color. In comparison, short time microwave sterilization revealed poor sterilization effect and had little effect on paste color but great influence on texture. The optimized sterilization process was as follows: microwaved at 700 W for 90 s followed by steam sterilization at 121 ℃ for 7 min. Under this condition, the total colony number of the paste was 1.33×103 CFU/g, the sensory score was 94.6, values of L, a, and b were 22.18, 8.91 and 19.77, respectively. Besides, the hardness, gumminess and chewiness of the paste were 23.202 g, 13.186 and 12.473, respectively. In conclusion, this study provides a reference to improve soybean paste sterilization technology.


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