为探寻鸡肉合适保鲜方法,以4 ℃对照,研究20 d内,-1.5 ℃冰温贮藏对鸡肉品质及微观结构影响。结果表明,在4 ℃与-1.5 ℃贮藏条件下,随贮藏时间延长,鸡肉L*、a*、b*值均先升高后下降,持水性、硬度、弹性总体下降,TBA值、TVB-N值总体上升,但-1.5 ℃贮藏鸡肉各项品质指标均明显优于4 ℃贮藏鸡肉。2种贮藏条件下鸡肉的T2b、T21、T22出峰值均向较长时间方向移动,P21持续下降,P22持续上升;4 ℃贮藏6 d、-1.5 ℃贮藏18 d时鸡肉细胞结缔组织开始降解劣化。4 ℃贮藏4 d与-1.5 ℃贮藏16 d时,菌落总数分别为7×104、3.8×105CFU/g(符合国家标准规定限值1×106CFU/g),TVB-N值分别为16.55、20.32 mg/100 g(符合国家二级鲜肉标准),冰温贮藏可使鸡肉保鲜期延长12 d。实验结果可为提高鸡肉品质,延长其货架期提供科学依据。
In order to explore a suitable method to preserve chicken, the effects of ice-temperature storage at -1.5 ℃ for 20 d on quality and microstructure of chicken were investigated, and chicken stored at 4℃ was referred as control. The results indicated that at 4 ℃ and -1.5 ℃, all L*, a* and b* values of chicken increased firstly and then decreased, and the water holding capacity, hardness and springiness declined, while TBA, TVB-N and total number of colonies increased with storage time. However, changes in all above mentioned indexes of chicken treated at -1.5 ℃ were superior to that of samples stored at 4 ℃. Additionally, T2b, T21 and T22 all moved to the direction of fast relaxation time, and P21 continued to drop, while P22 continuously rose at 4℃ and -1.5 ℃. Moreover, the connective tissue of chicken began to degrade when stored at 4℃ for 6 d and at -1.5 ℃ for 18 d, respectively. The total number of colonies in chicken stored at 4 ℃ for 4 d and at -1.5 ℃ for 16 d were 7×104 CFU/g and 3.8×105 CFU/g, respectively, and their TVB-N values were 16.55 mg/100 g and 20.32 mg/100 g, respectively, which were in line with Chinese national standard of grade two fresh meat. In summary, ice temperature could extend the shelf-life of chicken by 12 d, which provides a scientific basis for improving the quality and prolonging the shelf-life of chicken.
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