This study was conducted to understand the nutritional components of Grateloupia lanceolata during growth period. In addition, Grateloupia lanceolata at four growth stages were scored by sensory evaluation. In samples collected from January to April, the highest contents of protein and ash could reach 23.42% and 19.47%, respectively. Protein, ash, and inorganic elements content, as well as sensory scores increased during growth process and decreased slightly in April. In comparison, the total sugar content decreased significantly from January to March and increased slightly in April, with the highest content being 63.77%. The fat content remained to be lower than 0.5% during growth. The total amino acid content had no significant difference between January and March, but decreased significantly in April. Grateloupia lanceolata is a high protein, low fat and highly nutritious edible algae, which is more suitable to be consumed when collected in March. Overall, the results can provide reasonable and effective data for developing ready-to-eat Grateloupia lanceolate products.
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