The aim of this study was to reveal factors that affect original liquor flavor during new process of Fen-flavor Xiaoqu Baijiu to improve new techniques and liquor quality. The changes in microorganisms, environmental factors and aroma composition during different fermentation periods of Fen-flavor Xiaoqu Baijiu were tracked and detected, followed by statistical and correlation analysis of changes in different periods. There were no significant differences among environmental factors, microbial dynamics and aromas between different batches in different periods. Moreover, Monte Carlo test results showed that the variations of the microbiota in fermented grains were mainly affected by amino acid nitrogen, reducing sugar, crude protein and water content. The redundancy analysis indicated that the interpretation rate of environmental and microbiological factors for aroma was 38.44%, and water content, number of yeasts, reducing sugar and starch were important factors affecting the liquor aroma. Current study revealed microbial community succession in Fen-flavor Xiaoqu Baijiu and the environmental driving force, which provides a basis for improving the controllability of the liquor solid-state fermentation process.
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