The quality of purple sweet potato and naked oat wine was improved based on effects of different ratios of raw materials on sensory evaluation indexes of the wine. The fuzzy mathematics sensory evaluation quantified the sensory indexes of the wine. The optimal formula of producing purple sweet potato and naked oats wine was obtained through the D-optimal mixture design with quantified fuzzy mathematics sensory evaluation as response values. The optimal formula was as follows: 32.8% (w/w) purple sweet potato, 32.6% (w/w) naked oats, 9.6% (w/w) corn and 25% (w/w) glutinous rice. The contents of amino acids in the optimized purple sweet potato and naked oats wine were higher, and the wine also had better taste. Overall, the results of this study can provide references for further production expansion and promote the development of naked oats industries in China.
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