In order to explore the optimum treatment for storing astringent persimmon fruit under ambient temperature, the effects of modified atmosphere (MA), modified atmosphere with 1-MCP (MA+1-MCP), modified atmosphere with dry-ice (MA+dry-ice), modified atmosphere with 1-MCP and dry-ice (MA+1-MCP+dry-ice) on soluble tannins, quality indicators, physiological indicators, hardness and color were investigated on the basis of Mopan persimmon. The results showed that the soluble tannin content of persimmon fruit treated with dry-ice reduced to below the astringency threshold within 7 d. Different treatments were significantly connected with Vc, respiratory intensity and ethylene production rate, and they showed significant differences by OPLS-DA analysis. The results showed that from the perspective of fruit quality and physiology, MA+1-MCP could ensure the Vc content of fruit, inhibit the increase of respiration rate and the decrease of fruit hardness for a long time. Regarding the taste, MA+1-MCP+dry- ice could effectively remove the astringency of the fruit and delay softening of the fruit. MA+1-MCP+ dry ice was the optimum treatment of postharvest astringent persimmon, which can be applied in the commercialization market of astringent persimmon.
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