

  • 梁叶星 ,
  • 张玲 ,
  • 高飞虎 ,
  • 张雪梅 ,
  • 李雪 ,
  • 张欢欢 ,
  • 杨世雄 ,
  • 熊家艳
  • 1.重庆市农业科学院农产品贮藏加工研究所,重庆,401329;

网络出版日期: 2019-11-06



Changes in NaCl, reducing sugar and amino acids and formation of tastes in Chongqing Shuidouchi during fermentation

  • LIANG Yexing ,
  • ZHANG Ling ,
  • GAO Feihu ,
  • ZHANG Xuemei ,
  • LI Xue ,
  • ZHANG Huanhuan ,
  • YANG Shixiong ,
  • XIONG Jiayan
  • 1. Agro-product Storage and Processing Institute, Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Science, Chongqing 401329, China;
    2.Southwest China Normal University Press, Chongqing 400716, China

Online published: 2019-11-06




梁叶星 , 张玲 , 高飞虎 , 张雪梅 , 李雪 , 张欢欢 , 杨世雄 , 熊家艳 . 重庆水豆豉发酵过程中NaCl、还原糖和氨基酸变化与滋味的形成[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(18) : 27 -34 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021057


Factors that influence the unique taste of Chongqing Shuidouchi were explored in this study. Chongqing local soybean was fermented by traditional Shuidouchi fermentation process. The contents of NaCl, reducing sugar, total acid and free amino acids were determined during fermentation, followed by sensory evaluation and correlation analysis. The results showed that the taste was mainly originated from post-fermentation. The free amino acid content increased by 11.25 times at the end of post-fermentation. In which, the umami amino acids that were responsible for umami taste, accounted for 13.45%, and the sweet amino acids accounted for 22.25%. Reducing sugars and sweet amino acids together contributed to the sweet aftertaste. The salty taste came from increased NaCl content and total acid attributed the weak sour taste of Shuidouchi. Upon these factors mixed with pepper and ginger, the unique taste of Chongqing Shuidouchi was formed. These results provide references for research of condiments in Chongqing district.


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