

  • 胡晓倩 ,
  • 李长江 ,
  • 吴永祥 ,
  • 祁路路 ,
  • 王玉芹 ,
  • 黄辉 ,
  • 韩婷婷
  • 1.黄山学院 生命与环境科学学院,安徽 黄山, 245041;
    2.黄山学院 化学化工学院,安徽 黄山, 245041

网络出版日期: 2019-11-06



Study on nutritional components and antioxidant activity of Luo′s hairy tofu in Chengkan village of Huizhou

  • HU Xiaoqian ,
  • LI Changjiang ,
  • WU Yongxiang ,
  • QI Lulu ,
  • WANG Yuqin ,
  • HUANG Hui ,
  • HAN Tingting
  • 1. College of Life and Environment Science, Huangshan University, Huangshan 245041, China;
    2.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Huangshan University, Huangshan 245041, China

Online published: 2019-11-06


对比分析徽州呈坎罗氏毛豆腐和普通毛豆腐的基本营养成分(pH、水分、灰分、蛋白质含量、可溶性总糖含量、Vc含量)差异及不同浸提温度与料液比对体外抗氧化功能活性的影响。实验结果显示,呈坎罗氏毛豆腐的蛋白质含量为20.830 g/L,可溶性总糖含量为0.784 g/100 g,Vc含量为1.038 mg/100 g,均高于普通毛豆腐,具较高的营养价值。统计学分析显示,不同浸提温度和料液比得到的浸提液,其总还原力、对超氧阴离子自由基、羟自由基、DPPH自由基、ABTS自由基的体外清除能力有显著差异。浸提温度100 ℃,料液比1∶5,浸提液的可溶性固形物含量最高,体外抗氧化活性最强。研究阐明了徽州呈坎罗氏毛豆腐作为抗氧化功能食品的可能性,并为其合理的加工方式提供了理论参考。


胡晓倩 , 李长江 , 吴永祥 , 祁路路 , 王玉芹 , 黄辉 , 韩婷婷 . 徽州呈坎罗氏毛豆腐营养成分及浸提液抗氧化活性的研究[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(18) : 101 -106 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020699


Nutritional components including pH value, moisture, ash, protein, total soluble sugar, Vc content of Chengkan Luo’s hairy tofu were analyzed, and the effects of different extraction temperature and solid-liquid ratio on antioxidant activity in vitro were studied. The results showed that Luo’s hairy tofu was rich in nutrients, with protein content 20.830 mg/mL, total soluble sugar 0.784 g/100 g and Vc content 1.038 mg/100 g, which were higher than those of common hairy tofu. Statistical analysis revealed that the total reducing power, scavenging ability of superoxide anion radicals, hydroxyl radicals, DPPH·,·OH and ABTS+· obtained at different conditions were significantly different. Moreover, the content of soluble components and the antioxidant activity were the highest under the conditions of extraction temperature 100℃ and solid-liquid ratio 1∶5. This study emphasizes the possibility of using Chengkan Luo’s hairy tofu as an antioxidant functional food, and provides a theoretical reference for its industrial processing.


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