The qualitative characteristics and changes in the main flavor components of yogurt were analyzed during fermentation and storage. The physicochemical indexes (e.g. pH, acidity, water holding capacity and viscosity), the number of active lactic acid bacteria and the content of flavor components (e.g. amino acids and fatty acids) were determined. The results showed that both water holding capacity and viscosity of yogurt gradually increased at early stage of fermentation and cold storage, and then slowly decreased after this stage. The acidity of yogurt increased and the pH decreased significantly (P<0.05) during the fermentation process, and there were no significant changes during cold storage. During fermentation and storage, the number of lactic acid bacteria, total amino acids, essential and non-essential amino acids, as well as contents of umami amino acids gradually increased and subsequently decreased and then slowly increased. Furthermore, the content of fatty acids continually increased during fermentation and cold storage, polyunsaturated fatty acids gradually decreased, while short-, medium-and long-chain fatty acids gradually increased but all with no significant changes. This study provides a theoretical basis for developing and evaluating the quality of yogurt and other fermented dairy products.
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