

  • 岑剑伟 ,
  • 于福田 ,
  • 杨贤庆 ,
  • 李来好 ,
  • 黄卉 ,
  • 魏涯 ,
  • 赵永强 ,
  • 林织
  • 1.广东顺欣海洋渔业集团有限公司,广东 阳江,529800;
    2.中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所,农业农村部水产品加工重点实验室,广东省渔业生态环境重点开放实验室,广东 广州, 510300;
    3.上海海洋大学 食品学院,上海, 201306

网络出版日期: 2019-11-06


广东省“扬帆计划”引进创新创业团队专项资助(2015 YT02H109);国家现代农业(特色淡水鱼)产业技术体系专项资金资助(CARS-46);广东省现代农业产业技术体系创新团队建设专项资金(海水鱼)

Study on the preservation of Tilapia fillets with slightly acidic electrolyzed water

  • CEN Jianwei ,
  • YU Futian ,
  • YANG Xianqing ,
  • LI Laihao ,
  • HUANG Hui ,
  • WEI Ya ,
  • ZHAO Yongqiang ,
  • LIN Zhi
  • 1. Guangdong Shun xin Ocean Fishery Group Co., Ltd., Yangjiang 529800, China;
    2.Key Lab of Aquatic Product Processing, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs; Guangdong Provincial Key Lab of Fishery Ecology Environment; South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Guangzhou 510300, China;
    3.College of Food Science and Technology,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China

Online published: 2019-11-06


为探讨微酸性电解水在罗非鱼加工应用的前景,开展微酸性电解水对罗非鱼片的保鲜效果研究。将罗非鱼片浸泡在有效氯浓度为(31.39±1.48)mg/L的微酸性电解水10 min后沥干装入聚乙烯保鲜袋,置于4 ℃下贮藏,以感官评定、挥发性盐基氮(total volatile base nitrogen,TVB-N)值、k值、菌落总数与pH等作为评价指标,测定罗非鱼片冷藏过程中的品质变化。结果表明,在贮藏期间,对照组样品TVB-N值2~3 d超过20 mg/100 g,而实验组样品第6天刚超过20 mg/100 g,对照组样品k值2~3 d超过60%,而实验组样品5~6 d超过60%,对照组样品菌落总数2~3 d超过6 lg CFU/g,而实验组样品第6天刚超6 lg CFU/g,实验组样品pH增加始终较对照组样品慢,而实验组样品感官评分始终高于对照组样品。采用微酸性电解水处理后的罗非鱼片,对比对照组货架期延长2~3 d。为微酸性电解水在水产品保鲜技术上应用提供技术参考和依据。


岑剑伟 , 于福田 , 杨贤庆 , 李来好 , 黄卉 , 魏涯 , 赵永强 , 林织 . 微酸性电解水对罗非鱼片保鲜效果的研究[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(18) : 209 -214 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021022


In order to explore the application prospects of slightly acidic electrolytic water in the processing of tilapia, the fresh-keeping effects on tilapia fillets was studied. The tilapia fillets were soaked in slightly acidic electrolytic water with an available chlorine concentration of (31.39 ±1.48)mg/L for 10 min, followed by drained into a polyethylene bag and stored at 4 ℃. Sensory evaluation, total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N) value, k value, total colony count and pH value were determined. The results show that during storage, the TVB-N value of the control group exceeded 20 mg/100 g on the 2nd or 3rd day, while that of the experimental group was just over 20 mg/100 g on the 6th day. In addition, the k value of the control group was already more than 60% on the 2nd or 3rd day, yet that of the experimental group reached 60% on the 5th or 6th day. The total number of colonies of the control group was more than 6 lg CFU/g on the 2nd or 3rd day, while that of the experimental group was on the 6th day. Moreover, the increase of pH in the experimental group was slower than that in the control group, and the sensory score of the experimental group was always higher than that of the control group. Therefore, the shelf life of tilapia fillets treated with slightly acidic electrolytic water was extended by 2 to 3 days compared with the control group, which provides a technical reference and basis for the application of slightly acidic electrolytic water in fresh-keeping of aquatic products.


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