采用乙醇提取、多种层析分离,以及核磁共振鉴定结构的方法,建立小鼠急性酒精中毒模型,以小鼠醉酒潜伏期、睡眠时间、血液乙醇浓度、肝中乙醇和乙醛脱氢酶活性为指标,筛选各组分的解酒作用,研究葛花对急性酒精中毒小鼠的解酒功效与活性成分。结果表明:葛花醇提物经大孔树脂分离得到的体积分数为30%的乙醇洗脱物具有显著缓解小鼠急性酒精中毒的作用(P<0.05)。从该组分分离到3个单体,分别是8-C-葡萄糖-鹰嘴豆素甲(Ⅰ)、8-C-葡萄糖-O-木糖-染料木素(Ⅱ)、印度黄酮苷(Ⅲ),其中化合物Ⅰ能显著增加小鼠对酒精的耐受时间(84.19 min),缩短小鼠的醉酒时间(241.40 min),降低血液中的乙醇质量浓度(401.79 mg/100 mL),提高肝中乙醇和乙醛脱氢酶的活性(3.06 U/mg, 1 109.26 U/g)。首次从葛花中分离出化合物Ⅰ,并证实其具有解酒功效,为葛花解酒作用提供了理论依据。
This study investigated the anti-inebriation effects and active constituents of Pueraria lobata by treating with acute alcohol poisoning mice. The active constituents were extracted, separated and purified by ethanol and microporous, and the structures of obtained products were identified by NMR. The incubation period of drunk, sleeping time, blood ethanol concentration and activities of ethanol and aldehyde dehydrogenases in liver of mice were measured to study the anti-inebriation effects. The results showed that a 30% (v/v) ethanol eluate was extracted from Pueraria lobata and had the strongest anti-inebriation effects on mice (P<0.05). Three compound monomers were further separated, which were 8-C-glucose-garbanzoin (I), 8-C-glucose-O-xylose-gypsum (II), and indole glucoside (III). Amon them, compound I not only significantly increased the tolerance time of mice to ethanol to 84.19 min and decreased the drunken time to 241.40 min, but also reduced the ethanol concentration in blood to 401.79 mg/100 mL and improved the activities of ethanol and aldehyde dehydrogenases to 3.06 U/mg and 1 109.26 U/g, respectively. Compound I was discovered for the first time to have anti-inebriation effects, which provides a theoretical basis for explaining the anti-inebriation effects of Pueraria lobata.
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