以甘肃河西走廊产区‘贵人香’冰白葡萄酒为试材,研究大豆蛋白、酪蛋白、聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(polyvinyl pyrrolidone, PVPP)、皂土和明胶5种不同类型下胶澄清剂对酒样澄清度、理化指标、香气成分和感官品质的影响。结果表明,下胶处理后冰白葡萄酒的透光率显著提高,色度降低(4.26%~16.47%),酒样中挥发酸(1.96%~3.92%)、总糖(0.7%~9.83%)、蛋白质(0~8.33%)和总酚(6.25%~10.42%)含量也有所降低;采用顶空固相微萃取结合气相色谱-质谱(heaspace solid-phase micro-extraction and gaschromatography-mass spectrometry, HS-SPME-GC/MS)技术检测其挥发性成分,共检测出67种挥发性香气化合物,包括24种酯类、20种醇类、9种酸类、6种羰基类、5种萜烯类和3种其它类香气物质,经下胶澄清处理后酒样中挥发性香气物质的种类(7.46%~19.40%)和含量(4.60%~26.52%)均有所下降,其中大豆蛋白处理组对挥发性香气物质的影响较小,感官品质较好,可用于‘贵人香’冰白葡萄酒的下胶澄清。
‘Italian Riesling’ ice wine produced in Gansu Hexi Corridor was selected to study the effects of five different clarifying agents (soy protein, casein, PVPP, bentonite and gelatin) on its clarity degree, physicochemical parameters, volatile composition and sensory quality. The results showed that after clarifying process, the transmittance of ice wine improved significantly, while the contents of volatile acids (1.96%-3.92%), total sugar (0.7%-9.83%), protein (0-8.33%) and phenols (6.25%-10.42%) as well as color intensity (4.26%-16.47%) reduced in different levels. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) combined with headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) were used to detect the volatile compounds. A total of 67 volatile constituents were identified and quantified, including 24 esters, 20 alcohols, 9 acids,6 carbonyls, 5 terpenes and 3 other compounds. As expected, the varieties (7.46%-19.40%) and contents (4.60%-26.52%) of aroma compounds of ice wine were declined after clarification. Among them, samples treated by soy protein remained higher contents of flavor components and excellent sensory evaluation, which indicated that soy protein could be used in for ‘Italian Riesling’ ice wine clarification.
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