为探究采后乙烯脱绿处理对尤力克柠檬果皮颜色以及果实品质的影响,采用质量浓度为5 mg/L的乙烯,在28 ℃条件下对柠檬脱绿5 d,分别分析了果皮与果肉主要品质指标的变化,对比了脱绿处理柠檬与套袋处理柠檬的品质。结果表明,采后乙烯脱绿处理的果实硬度显著小于对照组与套袋组(P<0.05),果皮中a*值、类胡萝卜素、氨基酸、总酚、黄酮、丙二醛含量显著上升(P<0.05),L*、b*值、蛋白质含量无显著变化,叶绿素含量下降了36.37%,果肉中的总酸、Vc、TSS、蛋白质、氨基酸、总酚、丙二醛等无显著变化,黄酮含量上升了14.28%。采后乙烯脱绿处理可以有效改善柠檬果皮颜色以及柠檬果实品质,为今后生产上的应用提供了理论参考。
In order to explore the effect of post-harvest ethylene de-greening treatment on color and fruit quality of Eureka lemon peel, lemon was de-greened for 5 days at 28 ℃ by 5 mg/L ethylene. The changes of main quality indexes of peel and pulp were analyzed, and the quality of lemon treated with de-greening and bagging was compared. The results showed that fruit hardness of post-harvest ethylene de-greening treatment was significantly lower than that of the control and bagging group (P<0.05), and the a* value, carotenoids, amino acids, total phenols, flavonoids and malondialdehyde content in the pericarp increased significantly (P<0.05). However, there was no significant change in L*, b* value and protein content, while the chlorophyll content decreased by 36.37%. In addition, the total acid, Vc, TSS, protein, amino acid, total phenol, malondialdehyde content in the pulp did not change significantly, and the flavonoid content increased by 14.28%. Post-harvest ethylene de-greening treatment can effectively improve the color of lemon peel and the quality of lemon fruit, which provides a theoretical reference for future production and application.
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