为实现苦荞产地溯源以及确定苦荞成分对苦荞产地溯源的影响程度,对朔州、内蒙古、云贵高原、四川大凉山、陕西5个产地的72个苦荞样本的近红外光谱数据进行了主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)和灰色关联分析。结果表明,PCA可以很好地实现不同产地苦荞的聚类,得到的特征波长分别为1 370、1 680、870和971 nm;将上述特征波长与苦荞的6种成分进行灰色关联分析,其灰色关联度由大到小排列为:碳水化合物>蛋白质>脂肪>钠>硒>黄酮;依据关联度大小,从官能团层面确定了碳水化合物和蛋白质是对苦荞产地溯源影响最大的两个成分。表明PCA和灰色关联分析结合近红外光谱技术可以实现苦荞产地溯源研究,为苦荞地理标志产品鉴别提供了一种快速、高效、低成本的方法。
In order to trace the origin of tartary buckwheat and analyze the influence of tartary buckwheat components on its origin traceability, principal component analysis (PCA) and grey relational analysis were carried out on the near infrared spectroscopy data of 72 samples from Shuozhou, Inner Mongolia, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Daliangshan of Sichuan province and Shaanxi province. The results showed that PCA could cluster tartary buckwheat from different areas, and the characteristic wavelengths were 1 370, 1 680, 870 and 971 nm, respectively. Furthermore, grey relational analysis was conducted with the grey relational degree ranking from large to small as follows: carbohydrate > protein > fat > sodium > selenium > flavonoids. As a result, carbohydrate and protein were found to be the two components with greatest influence on the origin of tartary buckwheat at the functional group level. PCA and grey relational analysis combined with near infrared spectroscopy can be used to trace the origin of tartary buckwheat, providing a fast, efficient and low-cost method for the identification of tartary buckwheat geographical indications.
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