对冻融法猪皮明胶的基本理化性质——色差、SDS-PAGE、氨基酸组成、全质构、流体特性、起泡性和泡沫稳定性进行测定。结果表明,冻融法明胶与传统酸法明胶基本理化性质相似,颜色略微深于传统酸法明胶;冻融法明胶质构特性优良,硬度(368.0 g)显著高于传统酸法明胶(341.0 g)(P<0.05);流体特性结果表明冻融法明胶拥有更高的黏度;起泡性研究表明,冻融法明胶溶液质量浓度从10 g/L到30 g/L,其起泡性和泡沫稳定性均优于传统酸法明胶;SDS-PAGE和氨基酸组成结果显示,赋予快速冻融明胶更好功能特性的原因在于,冻融法明胶较传统酸法明胶含有更多高分子亚基组分和更低的小分子组分,以及更高的亚氨基酸含量(252 g/kg)。快速冻融猪皮明胶具有优良的理化加工特性,为明胶的清洁化生产提供了思路。
To describe the characteristics of pig skin gelatin prepared by rapid freezing-thawing method, basic physicochemical properties, chromatic aberration, SDS-PAGE, amino acid composition, texture profile analysis, fluid characteristics, foaming capacity and foam stability were analyzed. Gelatin prepared by rapid freezing-thawing method had similar basic physicochemical properties with traditional acid gelatin, yet had good texture characteristics. The hardness (368.0 g) was significantly higher than that of traditional acid gelatin (341.0 g) (P<0.05), while color was slightly deeper. Fluid characteristics results showed that freezing-thawing gelatin had higher viscosity. In addition, the foaming capacity and stability of freezing-thawing gelatin were both better than that of traditional acid gelatin in the range of 10 g/L to 30 g/L. SDS-PAGE and amino acid composition results indicated the reason for better functional properties was that freezing-thawing gelatin had more high molecular weight subunits, less low molecular weight components and more imino acid content (252 g/1 000 g) than traditional acid gelatin. Pig skin gelatin prepared by rapid freezing-thawing method has good physicochemical properties and processing characteristics, which can provide new method for clean production of gelatin.
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