以牡蛎酶解液(oyster enzymatic hydrolysate,OEH)与葡萄糖建立美拉德反应体系,采用化学方法和高效液相色谱法测定美拉德反应前后体系的氮溶解指数(nitrogen solublility index,NSI)、三氯乙酸-氮溶解指数(trichloroacetic acid-nitrogen solublility index,TCA-NSI)及氨基酸组成变化,研究美拉德反应体系的溶解特性及以不同形式存在的氨基酸对美拉德反应的贡献及美拉德反应活性。结果表明,美拉德反应产物(Maillard reaction products,MRPs)的溶解特性显著高于OEH,在pH 3.5~9.0,NSI值在95.15%~98.08%,TCA-NSI值达到94.73%,有94.73%的蛋白质以游离氨基酸和小分子肽的形式存在。OEH中的游离氨基酸和肽均参与了美拉德反应,肽的美拉德反应活性要高于游离氨基酸,总氨基酸中参与美拉德反应的主要氨基酸为Arg、Trp、His、Tyr、Gly、Lys、Thr、Ser、Ala 9种,游离氨基酸中的主要氨基酸为Val、Ala、Leu、Gly、His、Arg 6种,肽中的主要氨基酸为Tyr、Arg、Trp、Ser、His、Pro、Lys 7种。
This study investigated the solubility of enzymatic oyster hydrolysate (OEH) after Maillard reaction with glucose. Changes in nitrogen solubility index (NSI), trichloroacetic acid-nitrogen solubility index (TCA-NSI) and amino acids composition of the system were measured. The results showed that the solubility of Maillard reaction products (MRPs) was significantly higher than OEH. The NSI was from 95.15% to 98.08% at pH 3.5 to 9.0, and the TCA-NSI was 94.73%, which indicated that there were 94.73% protein present in the forms of free amino acids and low molecule weight peptides. Both free amino acids and peptides of OEH involved in Maillard reaction, and Maillard reaction activity of peptides was higher than that of free amino acids. The main amino acids of total amino acids participated in Maillard reaction were Arg, Trp, His, Tyr, Gly, Lys, Thr, Ser, and Ala. The main amino acids of free amino acids involved were Val, Ala, Leu, Gly, His, and Arg. The main amino acid residues in peptides were Tyr, Arg, Trp, Ser, His, Pro and Lys.
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