

  • 蔡德萍 ,
  • 谈安群 ,
  • 孙志高 ,
  • 黄林华 ,
  • 窦华亭
  • 1(西南大学柑桔研究所,中国农业科学院柑桔研究所,重庆,400712);

收稿日期: 2019-05-23

  网络出版日期: 2019-12-20



Effect of dissolved oxygen content on the quality of NFC orange juice degassed at different temperatures

  • CAI Deping ,
  • TAN Anqun ,
  • SUN Zhigao ,
  • HUANG Linhua ,
  • DOU Huating
  • 1(Citrus Research Institute, Southwest University, Citrus Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chongqing 400712, China);
    2(National Citrus Engineering Research Center, Chongqing 400712, China)

Received date: 2019-05-23

  Online published: 2019-12-20


为减少非浓缩还原(not from concentrate,NFC)橙汁在生产过程中营养物质的流失,以北碚447锦橙为原料,分别在10、20和30℃条件下脱气,调整橙汁中的溶解氧(dissolved ocygen,DO)浓度,通过HPLC技术等测定橙汁的理化指标及生物活性物质的含量变化。结果表明, 30℃下,DO质量浓度由0.3 mg/L升到7.5 mg/L时,Vc、总酚和总黄酮含量分别降低了21%、8%和12%;TSS含量呈小幅下降;酚类化合物的特征单体氧化降解明显,其中,芦丁、阿魏酸、咖啡酸和对香豆酸的减少量分别达41%、37%、23%和19%。当DO质量浓度高于1.5 mg/L时,样品的ΔE值均大于1.5,与对照相比差异极显著(P < 0.01)。在10℃和20℃条件下,DO含量对橙汁品质影响不及30℃显著。因此,降低脱气温度和DO质量浓度,可获得更高品质的NFC橙汁,为优化实际生产工艺提供理论依据。


蔡德萍 , 谈安群 , 孙志高 , 黄林华 , 窦华亭 . 不同脱气温度下溶解氧含量对非浓缩还原橙汁品质的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(20) : 169 -175 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021183


In order to reduce the loss of nutrients in the production of NFC orange juice, Beibei 447 Jin Orange was used as raw material, and degassed at 10, 20 and 30°C to adjust the DO concentration in orange juice. The physiochemical properties and content of the bioactive substance in the orange juice were determined by HPLC. The results showed that with DO content from 0.3 mg/L to 7.5 mg/L at 30°C, the contents of Vc, total phenol and total flavonoids decreased by 21%, 8% and 12%, respectively, while the contents of TSS decreased slightly. And the oxidative degradation of characteristic monomers of phenolic compounds was obvious, among which, the reduction of rutin, ferulic acid, caffeic acid and p-coumaric acid were 41%, 37%, 23% and 19%, respectively. When DO content was higher than 1.5 mg/L, the ΔE value of the orange juice sample was greater than 1.5, which showed an extremely significant difference from the control group (P<0.01). At 10 °C and 20 °C, the effect of DO content on the quality of orange juice was less significant than that of 30°C. Therefore, lowering the degassing temperature and DO content, higher quality NFC orange juice can be obtained, which provides a theoretical basis for optimizing the industrial production process.


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