为获得具有良好益生特性及发酵性能的乳酸菌菌株,从四川泡菜样品中筛选出1株植物乳杆菌581菌株。考察该菌株的胃肠道环境耐受能力、果蔬汁发酵能力,并采用小鼠便秘模型评价其通便功能。结果显示,植物乳杆菌581具有良好的胃肠道环境耐受能力,使其能到达肠道发挥生理功能。 与模型组相比服用该菌株可有效缩短便秘小鼠的首次排便时间((201.5±33.8) min vs. (353.8±59.3) min),增加排便粒数(6.9±3.7 vs. 2.40±1.35)、排便质量((0.214 9±0.204 3) g vs. (0.071 7±0.055 9) g),并提高小肠的墨汁推进速率((39.88±9.10)% vs. (29.27±5.11)%)。同时,植物乳杆菌581适于多种果蔬汁发酵,对胡萝卜汁的生冲气味有改善作用且发酵后活菌数可达1.24×109 CFU/mL。植物乳杆菌581同时具有润肠通便功能和良好的发酵特性,可用于具有益生功能的果蔬发酵饮料的开发。
To find a lactic acid bacteria strain of good probiotic and fermentation properties, Lactobacillus plantarum strain 581 was isolated from naturally fermented pickles in Sichuan province. Its tolerances to gastric acid and bile salt, fermentation abilities and constipation-relieving effects were measured by using a mouse model. It was found that L. plantarum 581 had strong tolerances to gastric acid and bile salt, which made it possible to successfully reach the intestinal tract. Compared with the model group, L. plantarum 581 efficaciously shortened the defecation time ((201.5±33.8) min vs. (353.8±59.3) min), increased the quantity (6.9±3.7 vs. 2.40±1.35) and weight ((0.214 9±0.204 3) g vs. (0.071 7±0.055 9) g) of total feces, and also improved the ink propelling speed in the small intestine ((39.88±9.10)%vs. (29.27±5.11)%). Besides, L. plantarum 581 was suitable for fermenting various of fruit and vegetable juices, especially improved the odor and taste of carrot juice. The viable count of L. plantarum 581 in fermented carrot juice reached 1.24×109 CFU/mL. Therefore, L. plantarum 581 has excellent intestinal functions and good fermenting properties, which can be used for developing functional fruit and vegetable fermented beverages.
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