

  • 司风玲 ,
  • 刘小裕 ,
  • 邓俊林
  • 重庆师范大学 生命科学学院,重庆,401331

收稿日期: 2019-05-30

  网络出版日期: 2019-12-20


重庆市技术创新与应用发展(cstc2018jscx-msybX0 225);重庆师范大学高等教育教学改革研究项目(201437)

Optimization of extraction process and physicochemical properties of dietary fiber from Auricularia cornea var. Li Root

  • SI Fengling ,
  • LIU Xiaoyu ,
  • DENG Junlin
  • College of Life Science, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331, China

Received date: 2019-05-30

  Online published: 2019-12-20


研究玉木耳根中可溶性膳食纤维(soluble dietary fiber, SDF)和不可溶膳食纤维(insoluble dietary fiber, IDF)的最佳碱法提取工艺,并测定其理化性质。通过正交试验设计优化碱法提取玉木耳根膳食纤维的工艺条件并对其理化性质进行了分析。结果表明,料液比1∶200 (g∶mL),NaOH质量浓度1.5 g/L,浸提时间160 min,浸提温度80℃为玉木耳根SDF的最佳提取工艺,得率为22.21%;而IDF的最佳提取工艺为浸提温度60℃,其余条件等同SDF,得率为37.52%。玉木耳根SDF和IDF持水力分别为7.84 g/g和26.46 g/g;持油力为3.2 g/g和4.86 g/g;膨胀性为9.1 mL/g和17.9 mL/g;吸附胆固醇能力酸性环境14.5 mg/g和10.71 mg/g、中性环境15.5 mg/kg和11.49 mg/kg;吸附胆酸钠能力10.72%和19.72%;吸附亚硝酸根离子能力酸性环境为23.41 mg/kg和20.45 mg/kg、中性环境为21.73 mg/kg和19.82 mg/kg。玉木耳根膳食纤维具有良好的膳食纤维特性,适合作为保健食品的添加剂。


司风玲 , 刘小裕 , 邓俊林 . 玉木耳根膳食纤维提取工艺优化及理化性质测定[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(20) : 209 -214 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021236


In order to analyze the optimal alkali extraction process and physicochemical properties of the soluble dietary fiber (SDF) and insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) from Auricularia cornea var. Li. roots. The extraction process of A. cornea var. Li roots was designed and optimized by orthogonal experiment, and its physicochemical properties were determined. The results showed that with solid-liquid ratio of 1∶200, NaOH mass fraction of 1.5%, extraction time of 160 min and temperature of 80℃, the yield of SDF could reach 22.21%. The optimum extraction process of IDF was the same as SDF, except for temperature (60℃), with the yield of 37.52%. The water holding capacity, oil holding capacity and expansibility of SDF were 7.84 g/g, 3.2 g/g and 9.1 mL/g, while those of IDF were 26.46 g/g, 4.86 g/g and 17.9 mL/g, respectively. Besides, cholesterol adsorption capacity of SDF and IDF were 14.5 mg/g and 10.71 mg/g in acidic environment, and 15.5 mg/kg and 11.49 mg/kg in neutral environment. Sodium cholate adsorption capacity were 10.72% and 19.72%, while nitrite ion adsorption capacity of SDF and IDF were 23.41 mg/kg and 20.45 mg/kg in acidic environment, and 21.73 mg/kg and 19.82 mg/kg in neutral environment. In conclusion, the dietary fiber of from A. cornea var. Li. root is suitable as an additive used in health food with its good dietary fiber characteristics.


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