为延长鸡肉的保鲜期,采用不同植物精油复合处理(处理组B:0.1%丁香精油+0.1%牛至精油+0.05%桂皮精油;处理组C:0.2%百里香精油+0.1%丁香精油+0.1%迷迭香精油+0.2%甘草;处理组D:0.2%八角精油+0.1%乌梅精油+0.05%高良姜精油)新鲜鸡肉,并采用清水处理作为对照组,通过测定冷藏期间鸡肉品质指标,探讨不同植物精油协同处理对冷鲜鸡肉品质的影响。结果表明:在冷藏期间冷鲜鸡肉的失重率、微生物数量(包括菌落总数、大肠菌群、乳酸菌和假单胞菌)、总挥发性盐基氮(total volatile base nitrogen, TVB-N)含量和pH值逐渐升高,感官品质逐渐下降。采用植物精油复合处理能够有效延缓冷鲜鸡肉的失重率、TVB-N含量和pH值的升高,抑制大肠菌群、乳酸菌和假单胞菌等致腐菌的生长,其中处理组B(0.1%丁香精油+0.1%牛至精油+0.05%桂皮精油)的效果最佳,能有效延缓冷鲜鸡肉品质的下降,延长其保鲜期。
In order to prolong the fresh-keeping period of chilled fresh chicken, fresh chicken meat was treated with different plant essential oils (0.1% clove essential oil +0.1% oregano essential oil +0.05% cassia essential oil; 0.2% thyme extract +0.1% clove extract +0.1% rosemary extract +0.2% glycyrrhiza; 0.2% star anise extract, +0.1% fructus mume extract, +0.05% alpinia officinalis extract), and the water treatment was used as the control group. The effects of different plant essential oils on the quality of chilled chicken were discussed by measuring the quality index of chicken during cold storage. The results showed that the weight loss rate and microbial quantity (including total bacteria, Escherichia coli, lactic acid bacteria and Pseudomonas), TVB-N content and pH value of cold fresh chicken gradually increased during cold storage, and the sensory quality gradually decreased. The combination of plant essential oil can effectively delay the weight loss rate of cold chicken, TVB-N content and pH value, and inhibit the growth of E. coli, lactic acid bacteria and Pseudomonas. Among them, treatment B (0.1% clove oil + 0.1% oregano essential oil + 0.05% cinnamon extract) has the best effect, which can effectively delay the decline of cold fresh chicken quality and prolong its shelf life.
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