为了解食盐对鱼肉品质的影响,研究了不同食盐添加量(6%、9%、12%、15%,质量分数)对鱼肉的蛋白质、质构、pH值及挥发性风味物质的影响。结果表明:鱼肉中食盐含量≤9%时,盐溶性蛋白含量及总巯基含量稳定;鱼肉中食盐含量对蛋白质、pH值及质构品质的影响显著(P<0.05),总氮含量呈先升后降的趋势,而非蛋白氮及蛋白质水解指数呈先降后升的趋势, pH值呈下降趋势,鱼肉的硬度和弹性呈上升趋势,咀嚼性呈先降后升的趋势。鱼肉的挥发性风味成分在食盐含量≤6%时,主要是烃类为主;在食盐含量≥9%时,挥发性风味物质种类最多,达65种,主要是醇类、醛类、酮类等物质。因此,腌制大黄鱼时,含盐量控制在9%能更好地保持产品的品质及风味,该研究为大黄鱼的盐腌加工提供了技术支撑。
In order to clarify the effect of salt on the quality of fish meat, the effects of different salinity (6%, 9%, 12%, 15%, g/g) on the protein, texture, pH and volatile flavor of large yellow croaker during pickling were studied. The results showed that the salt-soluble protein content and total sulfhydryl content were stable when salt content of fish was over 9%, while the effects on protein, pH and texture quality were significant (P<0.05). The total nitrogen content increased first and then decreased, while the non-protein nitrogen and protein hydrolyzed index were opposite. The pH value showed a downward trend, and the hardness as well as elasticity of fish meat showed an upward trend. The chewiness decreased first and increased afterwards. Moreover, the volatile flavor component of fish meat was mainly hydrocarbons with the salt content less than 6%. When salinity was over 9%, volatile flavors contributed the most, up to 65 species, mainly including alcohols, aldehydes, and ketones, etc. Therefore, the quality and flavor of large yellow croaker can be better maintained at salt concentration of 9%, which provides a technical support for the salting process of the large yellow croaker.
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