This paper was conducted to evaluate the effects of aquaculture model and diet on the quality of cultured Pseudosciaena crocea. With wild P.crocea as reference, the differences of body color, texture and nutritional components of cultured P.crocea (group R1 fed with fresh bait in raft cage, group R2 fed with fish feed in raft cage, group S1 fed with fresh bait in multi-connected cage, group S2 fed with fish feed in multi-connected cage) were analyzed. The results showed that with a certain regularity, the inner and outer color of the rear tail were similar, but significantly different from the whole. The body color of the abdomen and the back showed a shallow distribution on the edge and dark in the middle. The addition of Antarctic krill in the feed could significantly increase the yellowness value in abdomen. Moreover, group S possessed better texture, higher water holding capacity, polyunsaturated fatty acids content, essential amino acids content, protein content and lower crude fat content, while the feed group (R2, S2) had higher content of b*, fatty acids and amino acids. In conclusion, the body color, fish quality and nutritional components of P.crocea fed in multi-connected cage are better than those of wild fish, which can provide a basis for optimizing the breeding model and developing a high-efficiency and environmental-friendly feed formula to improve the quality of P.crocea.
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