为比较分析安徽地方特色猪肉的加工特性,以圩猪(Weizhu pork, WP)、程岭黑猪肉(Chengling Black pork, CBP)为研究对象,商品猪肉(Commercial pork, CP)为对照,探究煮制、烤制、油炸和斩拌对其感官、出品率、质构、2-硫代巴比妥值(thiobarbituric acid, TBA)和流变特性等的影响。结果表明,4种加工方式中,WP和CBP感官得分高于CP,3种猪肉的出品率煮制时最高,其次是斩拌。煮制时3种猪肉的硬度、凝聚性最低;油炸时WP和CBP硬度和咀嚼性最大,而TBA值显著低于CP(P<0.05),其中CBP最低;烤制时CP的硬度、凝聚性、咀嚼性最大。斩拌后3种猪肉都是黏弹性胶体,WP和CBP肉糜的储能模量显著高于CP肉糜(P<0.05),CBP肉糜的损耗模量显著高于其他2种肉糜。综上,2种地方特色猪肉的加工品质优于CP,圩猪较适合煮制和斩拌,CBP较适合油炸。该研究可为圩猪和程岭黑猪肉的加工提供参考价值和理论指导。
In order to fully understand the processing characteristics of local pork in Anhui province, sensory evaluation, yield, texture, TBA and rheological properties of Weizhu pork (WP) and Chengling Black pork (CBP) were analyzed during cooking, frying, roasting and chopping. The results showed that the sensory evaluation scores of WP and CBP were superior to commercial pork (CP) among all four processing methods. In addition, the yield of boiled pork was the highest, followed by chopping & seasoning, while the hardness and cohesiveness were the lowest in cooking. In frying, the hardness and chewiness of WP and CBP were the most, while the value of TBA was significantly lower than that of CP (P<0.05), with CBP the lowest. The hardness, cohesiveness and chewiness of CP were the highest during four processing methods. After chopping, viscoelastic colloids were obtained, and the storage modulus of WP and CBP were significantly higher than that of CP (P<0.05), yet the loss modulus of CBP was significantly higher than that of the others. In conclusion, the quality of local pork (WP and CBP) was better than CP during processing. WP may be more suitable for boiling and chopping and CBP for frying. The results provide a reference and theoretical guidance for the indepth processing and utilization of WP and CBP.
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