

  • 胡晓波 ,
  • 李梦圆 ,
  • 刘咏 ,
  • 王军辉
  • 1 (合肥工业大学 食品与生物工程学院,安徽 合肥,230009)
    2 (功能性复合调味品安徽省重点实验室,安徽 界首,236500)

收稿日期: 2019-06-12

  网络出版日期: 2019-11-15

Effect of different extraction methods on emulsification properties ofpectins from orange peel

  • HU Xiaobo ,
  • LI Mengyuan ,
  • LIU Yong ,
  • WANG Junhui
  • 1 (School of Food and Biotechnology Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China)
    2 (Anhui Key Laboratory of Functional Compound Seasoning, Jieshou 236500, China)

Received date: 2019-06-12

  Online published: 2019-11-15


以橙皮为原料采用顺序提取法(热缓冲溶液、螯合剂溶液、稀碱溶液和浓碱溶液)、酸提法和酶提法获得了6种不同性质的橙皮果胶:热缓冲液可溶性橙皮果胶(heat buffer soluble orange peel pectin, HBOP)、螯合剂可溶性橙皮果胶(chelating agent soluble orange peel pectin, CHOP)、稀碱可溶性橙皮果胶(dilute alkali soluble orange peel pectin, DAOP)、浓碱可溶性橙皮果胶(concentrated alkali soluble orange peel pectin, CAOP)、冷冻干燥后酸提取的橙皮果胶(acid extracted soluble orange peel pectin, AEOP)、冷冻干燥后酶处理提取的橙皮果胶(enzymatic extracted soluble orange, EEOP),研究了果胶浓度、pH、Ca2+浓度和温度变化对橙皮果胶乳化特性的影响。结果表明,CAOP的乳化活力和乳化稳定性随果胶浓度增加而提高,在果胶质量浓度为10 mg/mL时达到最大值,仅次于HBOP和CHOP;在pH值3~9或Ca2+摩尔浓度0.2~0.8 mol/L时,CAOP乳化活力始终高于0.05,且在pH 5时,乳化稳定性达到最大,为108 min;6种果胶在常温下均表现出较好的乳化活力和乳化稳定性;与其他果胶相比,CAOP具有较低的絮凝指数,FI≤279.09;并且CAOP的粒径很小,最大粒径仅为33.44 μm。综上,CAOP呈现出理想的乳化特性,可以成为食品乳化剂的理想替代品。


胡晓波 , 李梦圆 , 刘咏 , 王军辉 . 不同提取方法对橙皮果胶乳化特性的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(21) : 187 -194 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021341


The emulsification properties of pectins extracted from orange peel by different methods were investigated. Sequential extraction (thermal buffer solution, chelating agent solution, dilute alkali solution and concentrated alkali solution), acid extraction and enzyme extraction were used to obtain 6 different pectins from orange peel (HBOP, CHOP, DAOP, CAOP, AEOP and EEOP). The effects of pectin concentrations, pH, Ca2+ concentrations and temperature on emulsification properties of 6 pectins were studied. The emulsification activity and stability of CAOP was enhanced with the increase of pectin concentration, reaching the maximum at the concentration of 10 mg/mL, surpassed only by HBOP and CHOP. Besides, the emulsification activity of CAOP was always higher than 0.05 at any pH or Ca2+ concentration, and the maximal emulsion stability was 108 min at pH 5. The 6 different pectins showed good emulsifying activity and stability at room temperature. CAOP had lower flocculation index (FI) compared with other pectins (FI≤279.09), and had small droplet size, with the maximum of 33.44 ìm. In conclusion, CAOP exhibited ideal emulsification property, which can be used as a potential substitute for food emulsifier.


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