

  • 冯西娅 ,
  • 黄威 ,
  • 索化夷 ,
  • 王洪伟 ,
  • 张玉
  • 1 (西南大学 食品科学学院,重庆,400700)
    2 (食品科学与工程国家级教学示范中心(西南大学),重庆,400700)
    3 (重庆文理学院,重庆,402160)

收稿日期: 2019-06-09

  网络出版日期: 2019-11-15



Physicochemical composition and structure of triglyceride in peony seed oil

  • FENG Xiya ,
  • HUANG Wei ,
  • SUO Huayi ,
  • WANG Hongwei ,
  • ZHANG Yu
  • 1 (College of Food Science of Southwestern University, Chongqing 400700, China)
    2 (National Teaching Demonstration Center of Food Science and Engineering of Southwest University, Chongqing 400700, China)
    3 (Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, Chongqing 402160, China)

Received date: 2019-06-09

  Online published: 2019-11-15


利用压榨法提取牡丹籽毛油,采用国标方法分析其基本理化指标,采用柱层析提纯牡丹籽油的甘三酯,利用气相色谱、牛胰脂酶水解法分析牡丹籽油的脂肪酸组成及甘油三酯结构,并利用拉曼光谱分析其官能团结构。结果表明,牡丹籽毛油的基本理化指标符合国标对原油的要求。牡丹籽毛油的脂肪酸共12种,主要包括亚麻酸(40.33±1.01 g/100 g)、亚油酸(21.08±0.61 g/100 g)、油酸(15.67±0.59 g/100 g)、棕榈酸(7.59±0.46 g/100 g)、硬脂酸(4.11±0.41 g/100 g);总不饱和脂肪酸含量达(77.51±0.68) g/100 g。牡丹籽毛油甘三酯中三不饱和脂肪酸甘油三酯的相对含量最高,为 79.68%,其中以Sn-LOLn相对含量最高,为15.64%,其次是Sn-LnOLn,相对含量为14.77%。此外,拉曼光谱分析显示牡丹籽油是一种不饱和程度极高的食用植物油且几乎不含反式脂肪酸。


冯西娅 , 黄威 , 索化夷 , 王洪伟 , 张玉 . 牡丹籽油甘油三酯结构及理化特性分析[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(21) : 258 -263 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021299


In order to analyze the triglyceride composition and the physicochemical properties of peony seed oil, the crude oil of peony seeds was extracted by pressing method, and the basic physical and chemical indexes were determined by national standard method. The triglyceride of peony seed oil was purified by column chromatography, the fatty acid composition and triglyceride structure of peony seed oil were analyzed by gas chromatography and bovine pancreatic lipase hydrolysis, and the functional group structure was analyzed by Raman spectrum. The results showed that the basic physical and chemical indexes of peony seed crude oil met the requirements of national standard. There were 12 kinds of fatty acids in the crude oil of peony seed, mainly including linolenic acid (40.33±1.01 g/100 g), linoleic acid (21.08±0.61 g/100 g), oleic acid (15.67±0.59 g/100 g), palmic acid (7.59±0.46 g/100 g), and stearic acid (4.11±0.41 g/100 g). The total unsaturated fatty acid content reached 77.51±0.68 g/100 g. Furthermore, the relative content of triunsaturated fatty acid esters of triglycerides in the crude oil of peony seeds was the highest (79.68%), among which Sn-LOLn contributed the most (15.64%), followed by Sn-LnOLn (14.77%). In addition, Raman spectrum analysis showed that peony seed oil was an extremely unsaturated edible vegetable oil with almost no trans fatty acids. The results will provide a reference for the development and utilization of peony seed oil.


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