为了筛选出适合药食用途开发利用的桑品种,采用HPLC等方法测定并分析了30份桑叶的营养及活性成分。不同桑叶品种组分差异大,多酚质量分数在15.98~150.30 mg/g;黄酮质量分数在9.60~40.17 mg/g;多糖质量分数在139.21~317.64 mg/g;蛋白质质量分数在15.94~22.73 g/100 g;1-脱氧野尻霉素质量分数在5.90~24.58 mg/g;绿原酸质量分数在1.03~1.46 mg/g;芦丁质量分数在0.12~1.31 mg/g;异槲皮素质量分数在0.15~1.35 mg/g;槲皮素-3-O-丙二酰基-葡萄糖苷质量分数在0.17~1.59 mg/g;紫云英苷质量分数在0.44~0.86 mg/g;山奈酚-3-O-丙二酰基-葡萄糖苷质量分数在0.43~1.25 mg/g。不同品种各组分间存在着一定的相关性。经评价分析,筛选出剑持桑、越南桑、嘉定204、全丰2号、荷叶大种和修水青皮桑等6份桑叶药食用优势资源。生产上可以根据产品的用途有针对性地采收不同品种的桑叶,使得桑叶功能性成分的利用效果达到最佳。
In order to select suitable mulberry varieties as medicine and food materials, the nutritional and active components extracted from 30 kinds of mulberry leaves and analyzed by HPLC, etc. The results showed that components from 30 kinds of mulberry leaves were different. The polyphenol content varied from 15.98 mg/g to 150.30 mg/g. The flavone content varied from 9.60 mg/g to 40.17 mg/g. The polysaccharide content varied from 139.21 mg/g to 317.64 mg/g. The protein content varied from 15.94 g/100 g to 22.73 g/100 g. The 1-deoxynojirimycin content varied from 5.90 mg/g to 24.58 mg/g. The content of chlorogenic acid, rutin, isoquercetin, quercetin-3-O-malonyl-glucoside, astragalin and kaempferol-3-O-malonyl-glucoside were 1.03-1.46 mg/g, 0.12-1.31 mg/g, 0.15-1.35 mg/g, 0.17-1.59 mg/g, 0.44-0.86 mg/g, 0.43-1.25 mg/g, respectively. There was a certain correlation between the different components. Using evaluating and analyzing, six dominant mulberry germplasm resources were screened out, which were Jianshou mulberry, Vietnam mulberry, Jiading 204, Quanfeng 2, lotus species and Xiushui Qingpi mulberry. Therefore, different varieties of mulberry leaves can be harvested according to the purpose of the product so that the utilization effect of functional components extracted from mulberry leaves is the best.
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