该文探究以淀粉为壁材包埋水溶性咖啡因的可行性。以膨胀淀粉、多孔淀粉、颗粒态V型结晶淀粉为包埋壁材,对咖啡因进行吸附和包埋,采用扫描电镜、X-射线衍射、紫外光谱对微胶囊进行结构表征。实验结果表明,颗粒态V型结晶淀粉制备的微胶囊对咖啡因的包埋量和包埋效率最高,分别为45.89 mg/g和65.27%;扫描电镜结果显示,膨胀淀粉和多孔淀粉制备的微胶囊与原淀粉形态相似,而V型结晶淀粉制备的微胶囊呈不规则块状;X-射线衍射结果显示,淀粉和咖啡因之间未形成新的V型峰;紫外光谱结果显示,3种微胶囊均在275.5 nm处有最大吸收峰,表明咖啡因的包埋成功。3种淀粉壁材主要通过淀粉大分子对咖啡因分子进行物理截留,而多孔淀粉的多孔结构对咖啡因分子的吸附和包埋贡献不显著。3种淀粉壁材均可用于包埋水溶性咖啡因,拓展了咖啡因在食品中的应用范围。
The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of encapsulating water-soluble caffeine using starch as wall materials. Swelled starch, porous starch and granular V-type starch were used as wall materials to encapsulate caffeine, and their microcapsules were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and ultraviolet spectroscopy. The results showed that the microcapsule prepared from granular V-type starch exhibited the highest encapsulating capacity and efficiency of 45.89 mg/g and 65.27%, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy showed that microcapsules prepared from swelled starch and porous starch were similar to native starch in morphological characteristics, while that of V-type starch was of irregular shape. X-ray diffraction showed that there was no new V-type peak appear. UV spectra showed that microcapsules had the maximum absorption peak at 275.5 nm, indicating that caffeine was successfully encapsulated into starch matrix. Caffeine molecule was physically entrapped in three types of starches. Moreover, the porous structure had little effect on caffeine molecule adsorption. In summary, three kinds of starch can be used to encapsulate water-soluble caffeine, which expands the application range of caffeine in food.
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