

  • 汪楠 ,
  • 黄山 ,
  • 张月 ,
  • 张甫生 ,
  • 郑炯
  • 1(西南大学 食品科学学院,重庆, 400715);

收稿日期: 2019-09-23

  网络出版日期: 2020-04-07



Modification of bamboo shoot dietary fiber by high temperature cooking combined with cellulase

  • WANG Nan ,
  • HUANG Shan ,
  • ZHANG Yue ,
  • ZHANG Fusheng ,
  • ZHENG Jiong
  • 1(College of Food Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China);
    2(National Demonstration Center for Experimental Food Science and Engineering Education (Southwest University), Chongqing 400715, China)

Received date: 2019-09-23

  Online published: 2020-04-07


以竹笋膳食纤维(bamboo shoot dietary fiber,BSDF)为研究对象,分别采用纤维素酶酶解(ET)、高温蒸煮(HT)、高温蒸煮协同纤维素酶(ET-HT)处理BSDF,分析其结构和理化性质(持水力、膨胀力、持油力、色泽)的变化。结果表明,改性后BSDF的粒径均显著减小(P<0.05),ET-HT40组BSDF的粒径((423±23.7) nm)最小,改性处理后的BSDF的电位均显著下降(P<0.05)。ET-HT处理后BSDF呈片状结构,ET-HT组BSDF的L*值(54.26±0.64)和b*值(18.41±0.29)最小,a*值(9.63±0.17)最大。ET-HT20组BSDF 的持水力((5.29±0.17) g/g)和膨胀力((13.22±0.12) mL/g)最大,ET-HT40组BSDF的持油力((8.35±0.03) g/g)最大。热重分析表明ET-HT处理BSDF的热稳定性最强。红外光谱表明ET、HT和ET-HT改性后BSDF的主要官能团结构未发生改变。综上,ET-HT较单独ET和HT更有效地改善了BSDF的理化性质,是提升BSDF品质的有效方式。


汪楠 , 黄山 , 张月 , 张甫生 , 郑炯 . 高温蒸煮协同纤维素酶改性竹笋膳食纤维[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(4) : 13 -18 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022326


Cellulase hydrolysis, high temperature cooking (HT), high temperature cooking combined with cellulose (ET-HT) were applied to modify bamboo shoot dietary fiber (BSDF). The physicochemical properties such as color, water holding capacity, swelling capacity, oil holding capacity, thermal gravity and structure such as particle size, potential, microstructure, infrared spectroscopy were measured. The results showed that the particle size of BSDF were significantly reduced after modifications (P<0.05). The particle size ((423±23.7) nm) of BSDF was the smallest in the group of ET-HT40. The potentials of BSDF were all significantly decreased after modification(P<0.05). BSDF showed flaky structure after ET-HT treatment. The smallest L*(54.26±0.64) and b* (18.41±0.29) were caused by ET-HT treatment meanwhile the largest a*(9.63±0.17)was obtained. The BSDF treated by ET-HT20 has the largest water holding capacity ((5.29±0.17) g/g) and swelling capacity ((13.22±0.12) mL/g) while the largest oil holding capacity ((8.35±0.03) g/g) was obtained with ET-HT40 treatment. Thermal gravity analysis showed that the thermal stability of BSDF was strongest after ET-HT20. Infrared spectroscopy indicated that the main functional groups structure of BSDF were not be changed by ET, HT and ET-HT treatment. Above results showed that ET-HT was an effective approach to improve the physicochemical properties of BSDF compared with ET and HT treatment.


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