该研究以BS120作为出发菌株,通过常压室温等离子体诱变(atmospheric and room temperature plasma,ARTP)技术进行诱变处理,第一轮以40 mg/L 8-氮鸟嘌呤为筛选拮抗物进行筛选,得到核黄素产量和得率分别提升61.60%和58.12%的菌株BSG1。第二轮诱变以300 mg/L寡霉素为筛选拮抗物进行筛选,筛选获得菌株BSG3,核黄素产量和得率较BS120分别提升83.59%和78.76%。将核黄素操纵子表达质粒pMX45转入BSG3中,得到菌株BSG5,核黄素产量达到(4 467.08±99.47) mg/L,得率为(42.56±1.25) mg/g葡萄糖,较BS120分别提高140.94%和120.52%,展现了良好的核黄素发酵性能和遗传稳定性。
Bacillus subtilis is an important riboflavin producing strain in microbial fermentation. It is significant importance to breed high-yield-riboflavin Bacillus subtilis strains in industrial production. In this work, the parent riboflavin-producing strain BS120 was treated with atmospheric and room temperature plasma (ARTP) for the following screening. In the first round, the production and yield of riboflavin for mutant strain BSG1 screened with 40 mg/L 8-azaguanine increased by 61.60% and 58.12%, respectively. In the second round, the production and yield of riboflavin for mutant strain BSG3 screened with 300 mg/L oligomycin increased by 83.59% and 78.76% compared with BS120, respectively. Riboflavin operon expression plasmid pMX45 was transformed into BSG3 to generate BSG5 in order to further increase the riboflavin production. The results showed that riboflavin production of BSG5 reached (4 467.08±99.47) mg/L, and the yield was (42.56±1.25) mg/g glucose, which was 140.94% and 120.52% higher than that of BS120 respectively. These mutant strains showed excellent riboflavin fermentation performance and genetic stability during the test.
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