该文对海参岩藻聚糖硫酸酯进行硫酸酯化修饰,并比较其酯化修饰前后的结构特征及抗氧化活性。分别采用三氧化硫-DMF法和三氧化硫-吡啶法制备硫酸酯化海参岩藻聚糖硫酸酯,以取代度为考察指标,研究了反应温度、酯化剂用量、反应时间对酯化效果的影响。结果表明,三氧化硫-DMF法的最佳修饰条件为:反应温度为40 ℃、酯化剂用量1.2 g、反应时间为3 h,产品取代度可达15.63;三氧化硫-吡啶法的最佳修饰条件为:反应温度为90 ℃、酯化剂用量1.2 g、反应时间为3 h,产品取代度可达13.31。抗氧化活性测定结果显示,硫酸酯化海参岩藻聚糖硫酸酯对DPPH·和·OH的清除率均显著提高,且三氧化硫-DMF法所得产品的抗氧化活性略高。
This study was aimed to conduct sulfated modification of acaudina fucoidan (AFuc),and to compare structure characteristics and antioxidant activity of AFuc before and after sulfated modification. Sulfur trioxide-DMF method and sulfur trioxide-pyridine method were used to prepare sulfated acaudina fucoidan (SAFuc). The influences of regent dosage, reaction time and reaction temperature on the degree of substitution (DS) were investigated. Results showed that the optimum modification conditions of sulfur trioxide-DMF method were as follows: the reaction temperature is 40 ℃, the dosage of esterifying agent is 1.2 g and the reaction time is 3 h with DS reaching 15.63. The optimum modification conditions of sulfur trioxide-pyridine method were as follows: the reaction temperature is 90 ℃, the dosage of esterifying agent is 1.2 g, and the reaction time is 3 h with DS reaching 13.31. In conclusion, anti-oxidation analysis reveals that the ability of SAFuc on scavenging DPPH and hydroxyl radical has been improved a lot and the antioxidant activity of the product obtained by sulfur trioxide-DMF method is slightly higher.
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