该文探讨植物精油和包装方式对冷鲜羊肉货架期及其品质的影响。研究采用2×2双因子试验设计,利用牛至精油和不同包装方式结合的保鲜方法研究羊肉在4 ℃下贮藏0、3、6、9、12 d的质构特性、肉色、pH、过氧化值(peroxide value, POV)、丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)、挥发性盐基氮(total volatile base-nitrogen, TVB-N)及菌落总数(total bacteria count,TBC)的变化。结果表明,冷鲜羊肉贮存至第12天时,牛至精油与真空包装结合组中肉的红度(a*值)、硬度、弹性、回复性均极显著高于牛至精油和普通包装结合组(P<0.01),且其黏附性、POV、MDA、TVB-N和TBC在第12天时均极显著低于牛至精油和普通包装结合组中冷鲜羊肉该指标(P<0.01)。牛至精油与真空包装结合的保鲜方法可使冷鲜羊肉贮藏时间延长至12 d。
This paper aims to explore the combined effect of different concentrations of oregano oil and packaging method (with vacuum and air) on shelf-life and quality of chilled mutton. The experiment design is 2×2 factorial. The combined the concentration of oregano essential oil and different packing methods to research the texture profiles, color, pH, peroxide value (POV), malondialdehyde (MDA), total volatile base-nitrogen (TVB-N) and Total bacteria count (TBC). The results showed that the color (a* value), hardness, springiness, and resilience of the oregano essential oil combined with vacuum packaging groups were significantly greater than the oregano essential oil combined with air packaging groups during storage at 12d (P<0.05). The adhesiveness, POV, MDA, TVB-N and TBC were significantly lower than the oregano essential oil combined with air packaging groups during storage at 12d (P<0.01). Therefore,the combined oregano oil and vacuum packaging method improves the quality and prolongs the storage period of chilled mutton to 12 days.
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