该文以灭菌率及生长趋势为评价指标,研究了样品水分含量、微波功率、处理时间对蜡样芽孢杆菌灭菌效果的影响,并通过正交试验探索了微波处理对小麦粉中蜡样芽孢杆菌的最优灭菌条件。结果表明,随样品水分含量升高微波处理对蜡样芽孢杆菌的杀灭率呈现先升高后降低的趋势,且在样品水分含量为15%时,杀灭率最高;微波对蜡样芽孢杆菌的杀灭率随处理时间和微波功率的增加而提高,当微波功率达到581 W时,能够将小麦粉中蜡样芽孢杆菌含量降低到103CFU/g。正交试验结果表明,在处理时间7.5 min,微波功率700 W,样品水分含量15%的条件下,微波处理对蜡样芽孢杆菌的灭菌效果最佳,杀灭率可高达99%。
In order to obtain the optimal sterilization conditions of Bacillus cereus in wheat flour by microwave treatment,the effect of microwave time, microwave power and initial moisture content of sample on the sterilization effect of Bacillus cereus in wheat flour were investigated. And the sterilization rate and growth trend were evaluated as the indexes of sterilization effect. The sterilization rate of Bacillus cereus increased first and then decreased when the moisture content increased from 13% to 17%, and the sterilization rate was the highest when the moisture content was 15%. Moreover, the microwave sterilization rate of Bacillus cereus was increased with the increase of treatment time and microwave power. When the microwave treatment power higher than 581W, the content of Bacillus cereus in wheat flour reduced to 103 CFU/g. Different microwave treatment conditions lead to different growth trends of Bacillus cereus. The orthogonal test results showed that the sterilization rate was 99% at microwave power of 700 W, moisture content of 15% and treated for 7.5 min.
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