选取β-胡萝卜素代表类胡萝卜素,构建β-胡萝卜素水相模拟体系,考察超声作用下糖、酸、Vc等内源因子以及超声功率、超声温度等外源因子对其降解的影响。结果表明,超声过程中Vc和柠檬酸均能促进类胡萝卜素降解,且二者共存时具有增效作用,糖对类胡萝卜素有一定的保护作用,能不同程度地阻止Vc和酸对类胡萝卜素的破坏。分别建立不同超声温度和不同超声功率下β-胡萝卜素的降解动力学模型,发现只有30 ℃时符合零级动力学模型,其余条件下均符合一级动力学模型,但不同超声温度和超声功率下,降解率的变化分别是热效应和超声空化效应所致。采用高效液相色谱-二极管阵列检测器鉴定产生的β-胡萝卜素异构体,根据其Q值判断生成的3种异构体分别为15-顺式、13-顺式和9-顺式β-胡萝卜素;采用傅里叶红外光谱发现超声处理后的样品有C—O和CO的伸缩振动,初步推断其可能是胡萝卜素环氧化物、阿朴胡萝卜素醛或阿朴胡萝卜素酮;采用GC-MS分析其降解产生的挥发性产物,发现多种降异戊二烯化合物,主要为β-紫罗兰酮、异佛尔酮、2,2,6-三甲基环己酮等。
The β-carotene was used to represent carotenoids, and its aqueous phase simulation system was constructed. The effects of endogenous factors such as sugar, acid, Vc and exogenous factors such as ultrasonic power, ultrasonic temperature on the degradation were investigated. The results showed that both Vc and citric acid could promote the degradation of carotenoids during ultrasound. And they had a synergistic effect when coexisting, sugar had a certain protective effect on carotenoids which could prevent the destruction of carotenoids by Vc and acid to varying degrees. The degradation kinetics of β-carotene under different ultrasound temperatures and different ultrasound powers were established respectively. It was found that the zero-order kinetic model was consistent only at 30 ℃, and the first-order kinetic model was consistent under other conditions. However, under different ultrasonic temperatures and ultrasonic power, the degradation rates were caused by thermal effects and ultrasonic cavitation effects, respectively. The β-carotene isomers were identified by HPLC-DAD and according to the Q value, the three isomers were determined to be 15-cis, 13-cis and 9-cis β-carotene. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy showed that C—O and CO stretching vibration existed in the samples when treated by ultrasound. It could be preliminarily inferred that might be carotene epoxide, apocarotene aldehyde or apocarotene ketone. The volatile products produced by the degradation were analyzed by GC-MS which mainly were β-ionone, isophorone, 2,2,6-trimethyl cyclohexanone and the like.
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