为了解市面商品郫县豆瓣的基本品质水平,分析比较了8种不同品牌市售郫县豆瓣的品质指标。采用国标方法测定了样品的水分、食盐、氨基酸态氮、总酸、还原糖含量,采用水分活度仪测定样品的水分活度(water activity, Aw),利用高效液相色谱法测定生物胺含量,利用顶空固相微萃取法提取挥发性成分并进行气质联用分析。结果显示:多数郫县豆瓣的基本品质指标可达到相应国标的推荐水平。样品中生物胺以组胺、腐胺、酪胺和尸胺为主,多数样品总生物胺含量低于300 mg/kg,但个别样品超过1 700 mg/kg,存在生物胺过量的安全风险。8种郫县豆瓣中共检出104种挥发性成分,主要为酯类、醇类和酚类。不同品牌郫县豆瓣基本品质指标的差异较大,但普通郫县豆瓣和红油郫县豆瓣在这些指标上没有明显区别。
In order to clarify the quality of different brand of Pixian broad bean-chili pastes, the quality of eight commercial Pixian broad bean-chili pastes were analyzed. National standard analysis methods were used to determine the contents of moisture, sodium chloride, amino nitrogen, total acidity and reducing sugar. A water activity meter was used to determine the water activities of samples, and HPLC were used to detect biogenic amines. Volatile compounds were extracted by headspace solid phase microextraction and analyzed by GCMS. The results showed that basic quality of the eight samples were consistent with the recommended level in the national standard and histamine, putrescine, tyramine and cadaverine were the main biogenic amines. While, biogenic amine of one sample was more than 1 700 mg/kg indicating its safety risk even though the other samples were lower than 300 mg/kg. Furthermore, 104 kinds of volatile compounds were detected and esters, alcohols and phenolic compounds were predominated. Different commercial Pixian broad bean-chili pastes showed great differences on quality, however, there was no obvious difference between the traditional one and red oil flavored Pixian broad bean-chili pastes.
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