

  • 田康明 ,
  • 赵继华 ,
  • 牛丹丹 ,
  • NokuthulaPeaceMCHUNU ,
  • 王彩喆 ,
  • 王正祥
  • 1(天津科技大学 化工与材料学院,天津, 300457)
    2(天津科技大学 生物工程学院,工业发酵微生物教育部重点实验室,天津, 300457)
    3(Biotechnology Platform,Agricultural Research Council,Pretoria 0001,South Africa

收稿日期: 2020-03-03

  修回日期: 2020-03-03

  网络出版日期: 2020-08-15

Molecular cloning and biochemical characterization of lactase with high transgalactosylation activity

  • TIAN Kangming ,
  • ZHAO Jihua ,
  • NIU Dandan ,
  • Nokuthula Peace MCHUNU ,
  • WANG Caizhe ,
  • WANG Zhengxiang
  • 1(College of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science,Tianjin University of Science and Technology,Tianjin 300457,China)
    2(Key Laboratory of Industrial Fermentation Microbiology,Ministry of Education,College of Biotechnology,Tianjin University of Science and Technology,Tianjin 300457,China)
    3(Biotechnology Platform,Agricultural Research Council,Pretoria 0001,South Africa)

Received date: 2020-03-03

  Revised date: 2020-03-03

  Online published: 2020-08-15


运用鸟枪克隆术,从环状芽胞杆菌B2301基因组中克隆出乳糖酶编码基因,其完整读框大小为5 133 bp,编码1 710个氨基酸残基,不含典型细菌信号肽序列,与已有报道的β-半乳糖苷酶的最高一致性为93.6%。初步表达和纯化了此乳糖酶,重组乳糖酶在50 ℃(ONPG)/60 ℃(乳糖)和pH 6.0~6.5下表现出最高催化活性,Zn2+、Fe2+、Cu2+、EDTA和SDS对重组酶表现出不同程度的抑制作用;该酶在50和55 ℃下催化合成低聚半乳糖的Vmax分别为2.21和2.47 g/(L·h),Km分别为10.46和14.37 g/L。所获得的乳糖酶具有以乳糖为底物酶法合成低聚半乳糖的优良应用属性,可为后续针对此酶的高效表达与工业化应用奠定基础。


田康明 , 赵继华 , 牛丹丹 , NokuthulaPeaceMCHUNU , 王彩喆 , 王正祥 . 高转苷活性乳糖酶编码基因的克隆与酶学特征研究[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(15) : 8 -13 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023829


By shotgun cloning,a complete open reading frame encoding a lactase was cloned and sequenced from Bacillus circulans B2301. It was composed of 5 133 nucleotides,which encoded a sequence of 1 710 amino acid residues without typical bacterial signal peptide. The mature peptide shared a maximum of 93.6% sequence identity with the reported β-galactosidases. It was fundamentally expressed,and the recombinant lactase was purified. The recombinant enzyme displayed the maximum activity at pH 6.0-6.5 and 50 ℃ on ONPG or 60 ℃ on lactose. Its activity was inhibited by Zn2+,Fe2+,Cu2+,EDTA or SDS in different degrees. For galacto-oligosaccharides synthesis,its Vmax was 2.21 g/(L·h) at 50 ℃ and 2.47 g/(L·h) at 55 ℃,its Km was 10.46 g/L at 50 ℃ and 14.37 g/L at 55℃. This study revealed the excellent biochemical properties of the lactase for galacto-oligosaccharides preparation from lactose,which lays a foundation for its high-efficient expression and industrial application in the future.


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