High-quality and low-alcohol liquor is the direction of Chinese liquor industry development. A variety of quantitative analysis methods were employed to analyze and compare the volatile compounds of 7 groups of high-quality low-alcohol (<42% vol) and high-alcohol (52% vol) strong-aroma type of Baijiu (Chinese liquor) produced by mainstream strong-aroma type of Baijiu companies systematically. A total of 83 volatile compounds were quantitated. The contents of 32 compounds in high-alcohol strong-aroma type of Baijiu were higher than that of low-alcohol from the same series including 20 esters,3 alcohols,2 acids,4 aldehydes & ketones and 3 phenols. While the contents of another 32 compounds in low-alcohol strong-aroma type of Baijiu were higher than that of high-alcohol from the same series which includes 5 organic acid flavor compounds,9 esters,6 alcohols,8 aldehydes and ketones,2 furans,1 sulfide and 1 terpene. Most of these flavor substances were flavor compounds at trace level and with even lower odor thresholds. The results indicated that the types and concentrations of trace flavor components in high-quality and low-alcohol liquor were rich,and the flavor compounds which had great aroma contributions with low concentrations in strong-aroma type of Baijiu might be a significant factor in regulating the flavor quality of low-alcohol liquor.
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