利用天然生物高分子聚合物或小分子凝胶剂构建递送体系,荷载疏水性生物活性物质,是目前食品领域的研究热点。通过制备高载油量的乳铁蛋白-肉桂酸复合凝胶,研究了其作为功能性油脂载体的稳定性和流变特性。结果表明,以肉桂酸为凝胶剂制备沙棘籽油有机凝胶,临界成胶体积分数为4%;4 ℃低温有利于有机凝胶中结晶的形成。加入乳铁蛋白制备乳铁蛋白-肉桂酸复合凝胶,乳铁蛋白可以削弱剪切力对肉桂酸凝胶的破坏,提高体系稳定性。乳铁蛋白质量分数为20%,肉桂酸质量分数为4%,沙棘籽油含量为65%时,复合凝胶粒径最小,稳定性较好,凝胶体系的固液平衡值<0.5,固体特征明显,黏弹性较高;85 ℃加热条件下,稳定性较差,但黏弹性较高;-18 ℃储藏后分层明显,冻融稳定性较差;4、25 ℃储藏稳定性较好。该研究为沙棘籽油在食品工业中的应用和食品递送体系的构建提供理论支持。
To develop food-grade delivery systems have become a hot spot to loaded hydrophobic bioactive molecules. In this study,an oil-rich lactoferrin and cinnamic acid composite microgel was prepared,and its stability and rheological characteristics as a functional oil carrier were studied. Results showed that the critical concentration to form organogels was 4%,and storing at 4 ℃ was helpful to the formation of crystals in the organogels. On this basis,lactoferrin was added to prepare a lactoferrin and cinnamic acid composite gel,which could weaken the shearing force and enhance its stability. Moreover,microgels contained 20% lactoferrin,4% cinnamic acid and 65% sea buckthorn seed oil remain stable because of their small droplets. Microgels have higher viscoelasticity and solid-liquid-balance of microgels was less than 0.5,which indicated that solid behavior dominates microgels. Microgels was highly unstable when stored at 85 ℃ or -18 ℃ cryogenic temperature,but remained stable when stored at 4 ℃ or 25 ℃. This provides theoretical support for the application of sea buckthorn seed oil in food industry and the construction of food delivery system.
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