以糯米粉和新鲜红辣椒为原料制备鲊海椒,分析不同发酵时段糯米鲊海椒淀粉理化性质及营养特性变化,并观察淀粉形貌改变。结果显示,发酵可引起糯米鲊海椒淀粉理化特性改变,随发酵时间延长,糯米鲊海椒淀粉含量下降,溶解度、膨胀度、透光率和析水率下降,回升值逐渐增大。发酵90 d时,各指标与其他发酵时间测得的指标差异显著;峰值黏度和终值黏度出现在发酵20~40 d;糯米鲊海椒淀粉的消化特性、HI和GI随发酵时间延长略有增加并呈波动变化;原子力显微扫描形貌图显示随发酵时间延长,淀粉颗粒表面由光滑变得粗糙,表面突起增多,比表面积增大;厌氧发酵可使糯米淀粉产生纳米级别小分子,有望成为重要的纳米材料来源。在该研究发酵时间内,发酵对糯米鲊海椒淀粉消化特性和GI值影响较小,但发酵可影响糯米鲊海椒淀粉理化特性,合适的发酵时间在20~60 d。
Glutinous rice starch and fresh red pepper were used as raw materials to prepare Za-chili. The physicochemical properties and nutrient characteristics of sticky Za-chili starch were analyzed at different fermentation stages and the changes of starch morphology were observed. The results showed that the physicochemical characteristics of sticky Za-chili starch could be changed by fermentation. As the fermentation time extended, the starch content of sticky Za-chili was decreased. Its solubility, swelling capacity, light transmittance, and water diffusibility were decreased, while the recovery value gradually increased. When it was fermented for 90 days, each index was significantly different from those measured at other fermentation stages. The peak and final viscosity appeared when Za-chili was fermented for 20 to 40 days. The digestive characteristics, HI, and GI of Za-chili starch slightly increased and then fluctuated with fermentation time. Atomic force microscopy scanning topography showed that as the fermentation time extended, the surface of starch granules became rough, and their surface protrusions were increased, hence increasing specific surface area. Anaerobic fermentation made sticky starch to be nanoscale molecules, which was expected to become a source of important nanomaterials. In the fermentation duration, fermentation had a little effect on digestibility and GI value of Za-chili but could affect its physicochemical properties. The suitable fermentation time was found to be 20 to 60 days.
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