

  • 任倩 ,
  • 张诗琪 ,
  • 雷激
  • (西华大学 食品与生物工程学院,四川 成都,610039)

收稿日期: 2018-02-27

  网络出版日期: 2019-02-21



Study on the processing technology of pasteurizing ham sausages at low temperatures

  • REN Qian ,
  • ZHANG Shiqi ,
  • LEI Ji
  • (School of Food and Bioengineering, Xihua University,Chengdu 610039, China)

Received date: 2018-02-27

  Online published: 2019-02-21


为探究低温猪肉火腿肠的最佳生产工艺,研究在传统高温火腿肠加工工艺的基础上,结合低温肉制品加工原理制备低温猪肉火腿肠,以感官评价为指标,探究影响产品质量的主要因素。结果表明,原料肥瘦比、肥肉预处理方式、腌制剂配方、斩拌工艺与烘烤条件是影响低温猪肉火腿肠的主要因素,产品制备的最佳工艺条件为:原料肉肥瘦比2∶8(质量比),用出肉板孔径为8 mm的绞肉机对肥肉进行初步的绞制,腌制液配料(质量分数)为食盐2.5%,亚硝酸盐0.003%,D-异抗坏血酸钠0.3%,复合磷酸盐0.5%(m(六偏磷酸钠)∶m(三聚磷酸钠)∶m(焦磷酸钠)=10∶30∶17)在4 ℃环境下腌制24 h,最佳斩拌条件为低速(1 000 r/min)与高速(2 000 r/min)结合斩拌330 s,肉糜灌肠后60 ℃烘烤30 min再蒸煮杀菌,低温保藏。该条件下制备的产品在气味、外观、组织结构、风味等方面均最佳。


任倩 , 张诗琪 , 雷激 . 低温猪肉火腿肠加工工艺[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(2) : 166 -173 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017355


The best processing technology to pasteurize ham sausages at low temperatures was studied. Based on the traditional ham sausages high temperatures processing technology, the principle of processing meat products at low temperatures, the main factors affecting product quality were studied by sensory evaluation. The results showed that the ratio of fat to lean, fat pre-treatment, curing agent formula, chopping, and roasting conditions were the main factors that affected the quality of pasteurized ham sausages at low temperatures. The best processing technology to pasteurise ham sausages was as follows∶meat material with a fat-to-lean ratio of 2∶8 was cured at 4 ℃ for 24 hours in a curing agent, which was formulated with 2.5% salt, 0.003% nitrite, 0.3% D-erythorbate sodium and 0.5% of phosphates (sodium hexametaphosphate∶sodium tripolyphosphate∶sodium pyrophosphate=10∶30∶17). Before curing, fat passed 8 mm sieve of meat grinder. The chopping knife worked at a low-speed (1 000 r/min) and a high-speed (2 000 r/min) for 330 s at chopping stage. The sausage was roasted at 60 ℃ for 30 min afterwards. Then, the product was cooked and stored at low temperatures. Products prepared under optium conditions were good in odour, appearance, structure, and flavor.


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